
Harry Potter: Magical Places From The Films

Just when you thought that every single book with the words ‘Harry Potter’ on it had been published…


Author Jody Revenson he long decade of Harry Potter film production inspired a whole raft of books exploring the translatio­n of JK Rowling’s prose into cinematic smashes, and even years after the entire narrative wrapped, Titan has more to offer us – this being the new follow-up to its recent Creatures of Potter release.

Those who will buy any package of pages with the Harry Potter name on will heed no opinion on the quality of this new exploratio­n of the series’

TPublisher Titan Books

Price £25


Available Now locations either way, but noncomplet­ists would not be wasting their money, either. Admittedly, the one most goose-pimple-inducing reproducti­on in the entire book is JK Rowling’s own original biro sketch of the Hogwarts grounds, followed as gospel by the designers from that day forward. However, with nearly 20 hours of screen magic to analyse, there’s very little dead space in the 200 pages.

Spoilers, of course, abound as the stand-out locations from all eight films are detailed, from exquisitel­y painted concept to digital magic. The only lessthan-magical note is the odd inclusion of an envelope containing a sketch of Diagon Alley and extra pamphlets, where a glossy Hogwarts map would have been the perfect final touch.

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 ??  ?? Art by Andrew WIlliamson for a scene that was never filmed.
Art by Andrew WIlliamson for a scene that was never filmed.

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