
Priscilla Kim


Location: US Web: Email: ME DIA: Photoshop

Priscilla grew up immersed in fantasy and science fiction, rarely seeing the sun and mostly playing in worlds of the imaginatio­n. She started drawing properly around the age of 12, when she discovered roleplayin­g and felt the urgent need to visualise her characters.

Almost 20 years later, not much has changed, though she rarely plays these days. “I prefer depicting characters doing things or looking cool. But the most relaxing thing for me to do is to paint female portraits – a tendency I jokingly call my ‘pretty women staring off into space’ theme!”

1 The Aviatrix “Done for SmART School with Dan Dos Santos, the prompt being ‘the girl/boy with the golden wings.’ I chose to do something that I hadn’t tried before and went a little dieselpunk.”

2 Now Cracks a Noble Heart “A rerenderin­g of an old, old sketch of old, old characters dating from middle school. I kept coming back to it over the years, but my skills weren’t up to par to finish it until more recently.”

3 Through a Bl ade Darkl y “Yet another SmART School piece, this one under the tutelage of Donato Giancola; the only guideline was ‘reflection.’ I ended up doing a new rendition of an old role-playing character in a couple of her incarnatio­ns. No, it’s not Legend of the Five Rings.”

4 In the Darkness Bind Him “Done for SmART School under Dan Dos Santos; the prompt was ‘the friendship between a girl and a vampire.’ I didn’t do friendship so much!”

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