

An ergonomic studio makes for a healthy, happy artist…


1 Follow ergonomic guidelines at your desk

“Make sure your elbows are at right angles to your desk and the top of your monitor is at least two inches above your eye line,” says Anna Hollinrake. “Have a chair with good back support and engage your body when you’re working. Keep your core tight and pull your shoulder blades back – try imagining that you’re holding a pencil between them. Ultimately though, get up and move your body as frequently as possible.”

2 Dim the lights

“Avoid bright lighting because it can be harsh on the eyes, especially if you’re using a Cintiq as they tend to bounce the light,” says PJ Holden. “My workplace is always very bright, but I’ve managed to adjust the light intensity,” adds Laura Braga.

3 Find the right position

Melissa reveals, “I position my drawing table at a high angle (my pencilling board sits around 55 degrees) and my Cintiq sits about 30 degrees. But I can pull the Cintiq into my body so I don’t need to stretch too far from it.”

4 Source supportive furniture

“A standing desk is great to keep you moving around a lot, but can be pricey,” says Anna. “I have a cheaper crank-operated one, but I’m too lazy to wind it up half the time. A good-quality adjustable desk chair and monitor raisers go a long way, though!”

5 Step away from it

PJ Holden works with a Pomodoro timer, which means he takes five minute breaks after 25 minute bursts of work. “I think walking away from the table and changing posture is all helpful. If not actually exercise, it is at least very useful,” he says.

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