
Make use of a sphere when painting


1 Because I’m painting a portrait where the base shape of the head is similar to a ball, I’m going to use the ball as a base to the head of the character. You can’t always do this, of course, but if the painting subject is appropriat­e then it can be a good way to start. I just copy the ball and deform it using the Transform tool. 2 Next, I apply different elements to the base. The light and shadow indicate the volume of elements, so it’s important to get this right first time. I start to add additional volumes to the base following a simple logic: elements facing upwards will reflect the upper light source, while those facing downwards won’t. 3 I introduce more detail, colour variations, and additional volumes and informatio­n, while checking the ball to see if everything has the correct luminosity. It’s easy to forget the base illuminati­on when you’re caught up in the painting process. An image can have lots of cool detail, but if the lighting’s wrong, everything fails.

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