
Can you give me tips on wrapping textures around an object in Photoshop?


Brian Stevens, England

Bram replies

Painting textures on threedimen­sional objects can be tricky, because you can easily become confused by the details of the texture that wraps around the shape you’re trying to paint. Clothes are a good example of this. Not only do you need to focus on the creases and folds of the cloth you’re painting, but you also have to keep in mind how the pattern or texture wraps around it. I always try to keep the two separated, by painting plain clothing first and then adding the texture I want on top.

Warp and Liquify in Photoshop are incredibly powerful tools to help you do this and will speed up your workflow a lot. While Warp can help you to position the texture just right, Liquify enables you to go in and literally push the pixels of your texture around so they follow the shape underneath better.

This technique can be used with almost every material you can imagine, and will help you implement textures in a much more realistic and believable way. Let’s have a look at how to do it.

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