
Carmen Sinek

The concept artist explains how to break out of a bubble


How real is the problem of artists working in bubbles?

I see it happening often. Never exploring art outside your bubble can leave you artistical­ly drained and stagnating. I realised I’d become trapped in an art bubble while trying to figure out where I had lost the ‘ fun’ in art. I’d been trying to work for certain clients for years, and after finally getting those jobs, I found myself uncertain of where to go next.

How did you break out of it?

I asked friends for their favourite stylised artists. I started going to museums, and paying attention to how I felt while looking at art: what resonated with me and what made me want to see more? I began doing studies of work that was different from mine, and then tried to draw in styles that didn’t include the same level of realism and detail that I was used to.

What advice would you give for avoiding an art bubble?

Reflect on why you draw the way you do. Is your style based on what feels safe for your career goals, or what represents your interests as an artist? Once you understand the motivation behind your stylistic choices, look for other ways to broaden them.

Also, experiment – and focus on how you feel while doing so. Don’t let the voice in your head tell you you’re wasting time or that the work isn’t good enough. Are you enjoying yourself? Is the process fun for you? Does it make you think? Does it make you feel?

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