

On how he painted a popular card from the Dominaria card set


How did the Dominaria gig come about?

A couple of years ago I took a step back to focus on levelling up my skills. Magic art director Mark Winters was kind enough to offer constructi­ve critiques of the work I was creating during this time, to try and help get me over the finish line. At some point the work I was showing him must have hit the target because I said he would put me on the roster for the next set!

What was the brief like?

One of the things I most enjoy about Magic is the awesome style guide for each set. Mark told me to use some of the guidelines to create a stained glass knight image that fit in the world of Dominaria, and we wanted the frame of the card to essentiall­y act as the window frame.

How did you approach it?

I did a lot of research into stained glass, how it’s created and what the drawing styles for the characters is typically like in stained glass windows found various cathedrals. I also tried to pay close attention to how the windows look when illuminate­d from the outside by the sun.

Why do you think that it hit the mark?

I think the reason this card resonates with fans so well is because I put a lot of my nostalgia for the game into this image. I first started playing Magic back in 1993 or 94, so going back to Dominaria for my first Magic assignment was pure joy! I really tried to capture that storybook fantasy vibe that I remember from back in the day, and I think that must have come through in the final art.

 ?? www.tylerwalpo­ ?? As well as Wizards of the Coast, Tyler has worked for companies such as Marvel, Blizzard and DC Comics.
www.tylerwalpo­ As well as Wizards of the Coast, Tyler has worked for companies such as Marvel, Blizzard and DC Comics.

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