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Best iOS games of 2019

Apple Arcade is great, but these iOS games show there’s still a lot to love in the regular App Store. Leif Johnson reports


Mobile gaming is in an ugly spot, so a popular narrative goes, and that’s why Apple tried to tidy up the situation with its curated Apple Arcade subscripti­on service. And we’re big fans of Apple Arcade. It’s a flawed narrative, though. Look beyond the chaff of flavour of the month, ad-riddled games and microtrans­action-heavy ‘freemium’ titles, and you’ll find games that are every bit as good as what you’ll see on Apple Arcade. Some of them are even better. Read on to find our favourites of the past year.


Price: £3.99 from fave.co/2Qxuwmk

Ordia plays a lot like Angry Birds: pull back on your avatar with your finger, and it fires off in the direction you aimed in. But that’s about where the similariti­es end. Here you’re a gloopy eye-like blob ascending through the primordial ooze. Along the way, you plop over to other gloopy blobs for support and calculate catapults over spikes, until at last you break through the surface at the end of the stage – and, perhaps, to the next stage of evolution. It’s a simple concept and not particular­ly original. Ordia’s excellence, though, lies in how well it executes this concept across three worlds and 30 challengin­g levels.

Hyper Light Drifter

Price: £4.99 from fave.co/2YG3tKD

Hyper Light Drifter is an action RPG that’s only three years old, although its pixel art style makes it look like a relic from my childhood. It’s almost as timeless as those digital ’80s adventures, and it combines artful minimalist storytelli­ng about a ‘drifter’ suffering from a mysterious illness with gameplay that was pulled straight from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. It’s also famously intense, but the touch controls translate well (aside from some annoyances such as having to reach too far to trigger health boosts). I highly recommend playing it with a controller, though.

Dead Cells

Price: £8.99 from fave.co/2N7iI8c

The title Dead Cells refers to the hero of Motion Twin’s game, who’s a bundle of sentient cells that slithers into the bodies of decapitate­d prisoners in their…cells. Like Castlevani­a, it’s a 2D game that relies on exploring and backtracki­ng through various levels. The key difference is that these levels randomly generate each time you go through. And you’ll be going through it a lot. Dead Cells is a hard game, not least because it features a permadeath mechanic that makes you start from the beginning every time you die. Fortunatel­y, you can keep the boosts you acquire and unlock better weapons, and so with every attempt, Dead Cells gets a tad easier.

Sky: Children of the Light

Price: Free from fave.co/2YvijUQ

Sky: Children of the Light is a visually striking game about empathy, cooperatio­n with other players, and lightweigh­t puzzle solving that’s framed as a tale about restoring spirits to their rightful place among the constellat­ions. I initially worried the in-app purchases would smother the intensity of that experience, but happily they’re benign. It’s short and simple, and you can even set up the controls to play with one finger if preferred. Earlier last year I lamented that it didn’t launch with controller support, but luckily that support finally came in September.

Call of Duty: Mobile

Price: Free from fave.co/2t1f9d1

Call of Duty: Mobile isn’t just a good phone shooter: it feels like Call of Duty. That especially comes through in the maps and the five-versus-five team death match and domination modes, but you’ll also feel it the 100-player battle royale that resembles Modern Warfare’s Blackout map. You can play with either touch controls or a gamepad. It’s free to play, so – as you should expect – you’ll find some microtrans­actions. They’re benign as these things go, though, and you could play almost everything without dropping a penny. The catch? You’ll be reminded at almost every turn that you could be dropping a few pounds in the store.

Star Traders: Frontiers

Price: £6.99 from fave.co/2tJ8Quo

Star Traders: Frontiers’ appealing mix of strategy and roleplayin­g makes it a fine match for mobile. And while there’s a lot to do here, it rarely feels overcompli­cated. Other spacefarin­g games lean too heavily on familiar sci-fi tropes, but Frontiers presents a galaxy where space pirates conduct trade or hobnob with fellow corsairs while dressed like gunslinger­s or 18th-century rajahs. Nor is this individual­ization merely for show, as each crew member plays a vital role in combat missions and planetary exploratio­n. Free of strict devotion to existing properties, Frontiers is able to go places where few other mobile space sims have gone before.

The Gardens Between

Price: £4.99 from fave.co/2tBxHAD

The Gardens Between is an artful puzzler lets us see what big difference­s small changes can make. With swipes of your finger, you nudge time backwards and forwards around two friends, letting them subtly alter their actions so they can ascend the peaks of small islands made from the detritus of their memories. It’s not always adept at using the gameplay to communicat­e its messages. Some elements seem to exist only for the sake of a good puzzle. Even so, it succeeds at leaving an emotional impact, chiefly on the strength of the animations of its human heroes and the haunting notes of its soundtrack.

Telling Lies

Price: £6.99 from fave.co/31rdklL

In Telling Lies you’re a National Security Agency agent, who’s been tasked with piecing together the story behind a traumatic event by watching and listening to secretly recorded one-sided video chats from a large cast of characters. Your job is to pull the most important clues from what you hear. This isn’t easy though, as you’ll quickly realize some of these chumps are shameless liars. The story unfolds almost entirely through videos, although playthroug­hs can change dramatical­ly because you’ll have to choose which files to sift through. The acting is phenomenal, and it’s one of the best detective games on the App Store.

Forgotton Anne

Price: Free to try (£9.99 for full game) from fave.co/2QVeaD7

If you’ve ever wished for a game set in the world of a Studio Ghibli film, Forgotton Anne is probably about as close as you’re going to get. Anne herself is an Enforcer (a cop of sorts), and she’s one of only two humans living in a realm where all forgotten things end up when they’re lost. The citizens of this place consist of everything from talking guns to bartending fridges, and Anne leaps among them with some occasional­ly awkward platformin­g. Good thing, then, that telling a good story is always the chief focus here. You’ll find few other games on the iOS App Store with so much heart.

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Price: Free from fave.co/2FzruaM

Gwent is a standalone version of a collectibl­e card game that was designed for 2015’s The Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt (one of the most acclaimed roleplayin­g games of all time), and much like Hearthston­e before it, it’s arguably better suited for devices like the iPad than to its original home on the PC. Fair warning: it’s unconventi­onal as card games go, and I actually avoided it while playing The Witcher 3 because I couldn’t wrap my head around it. Fortunatel­y, it’s a little easier to pick up on iOS, and there’s a thriving community of active players when you’re ready to play against someone other than the AI.

Rolando: Royal Edition

Price: £2.99 from fave.co/2Taptu1

Nostalgia isn’t often justified, as old games and movies often aren’t as good as we remember them. But Rolando: Royal Edition is an exception. This 2008 game vanished from the App Store in the wake of iOS architectu­re changes, but it’s still wonderful enough to justify the near-perfect score we gave it in our original review. It’s all about using the iPhone’s tilt controls to roll ball-like characters through puzzles with springboar­ds, passages, and other elements before you can advance to the next level. It’s a nice callback to the days when tilt controls were all the range, and Rolando is a reminder that few games since have used them so effectivel­y.

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