Linux Format

Creating scripts


{ graph [ dpi = 144 ]; rankdir = LR; node [shape=record, width=.2, height=.2];

node0 [label = “<p0> | <p1> | <p2> | <p3> | <p4> | | ", height = 3]; node[ width=2 ]; node1 [label = "{<e> r0 | 123 | <p> }" ]; node2 [label = "{<e> r10 | 13 | <p> }" ]; node3 [label = "{<e> r11 | 23 | <p> }" ]; node4 [label = "{<e> r12 | 326 | <p> }" ]; node5 [label = "{<e> r13 | 1f3 | <p> }" ]; node6 [label = "{<e> r20 | 143 | <p> }" ]; node7 [label = "{<e> r40 | b23 | <p> }" ]; node0:p0 -> node1:e; node0:p1 -> node2:e; node2:p -> node3:e; node3:p -> node4:e; node4:p -> node5:e; node0:p2 -> node6:e; node0:p4 -> node7:e; }

( Theoutputf­romthecode,above,isshownint­heimageto theleft). You’ll be able to see the table after compiling it using: $ dot -T png -o hashtable.png

As you can see, you can create a node by prefixing a [] with a name and an edge by putting -> between the two node names you want to connect. Each node can have a title, which you can add using the label attribute. An | character separates the various parts of the label of a node. In order to access them individual­ly afterwards, use the node name, a colon ( : ) and the identifier of the label part you want to use ( e.g. node4:p ). The name of each part of the label is defined inside a <> tag (e.g. <e> ). This notation allows you to connect two nodes more precisely.

Each node[] statement you put into your code affects all nodes in the graph starting from the position you place it. The rankdir=LR command tells the DOT language to place nodes from left to right because by default, graphs are positioned from top to bottom. Perl as well as any other programmin­g language may create plain DOT code without the need for a special module. The following Perl code, saved as, illustrate­s how to use Perl without any special modules in order to produce plain Graphviz code: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; die <<Thanatos unless @ARGV; usage: $0 directory Thanatos # Preamble print <<START; digraph G { rankdir = LR; graph [dpi = 300, bgcolor = "gray"]; nodesep=.05; node[height=.05, shape=record, fontsize=10, color="red"]; START my $counter = 0; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {

print "\t".$arg.$counter." [shape=box, label=\"$arg\"];"; print “\n”; $counter++; } # Create the edges my $i= 0; for ($i=0; $i<$#ARGV; $i++) {

print "\t"."$ARGV[$i]$i->$ARGV[($i+1)]". ($i+1).";\n"; if ($i == ($#ARGV-1)) { last; } } # Close the Graphviz file print <<END; } END

The script accepts multiple command line

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