Linux Format

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There’s no dearth of mainstream and smaller distros with KDE desktops. The mainstream ones include Kubuntu, OpenSUSE and Mageia all of which use a heavily modified KDE desktop. You can try KDE atop Debian, and Linux Mint, Fedora’s KDE flavour uses a virtually unmodified KDE desktop or Korara’s KDE is similar but with a larger number of default apps. The Debian-based SparkyLinu­x and Arch-based Antergos are two smaller projects. You can also experience KDE straight from the developers with KDE Neon. While the Ubuntu-based distro includes an installer, its developers only intend it as a demonstrat­ion platform and not an everyday distro. If you are not averse to non-Linux operating systems, several BSDs also use the KDE desktop including TrueOS, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD..

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