Linux Format

Use the command line


All terminal profiles are managed by the dconf tool, which is a low-level tool for managing various configurat­ion and system settings. You can use dconf to read the values of any settings (referred to as keys) that you’ve previously configured using the Profile Preference­s dialog box. First, make a note of the Profile ID of your chosen profile as found under the General tab of its Profile Preference­s dialogue box. Once identified, return to the command line and type the following, substituti­ng your exact Profile ID (including the leading colon character) for <profileID>: $ dconf list /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/ profiles:/<profileID>/ Only those keys you’ve already configured will appear. To view a specific key’s current value, use dconf read like so: $ dconf read /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/ profiles:/<profileID>/exit-action Substitute exit-action with your chosen key. You can then use dconf write to change the

key’s value, assuming you know what available values exist: $ dconf write /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/ profiles:/<profileID>/exit-action “’restart’”

You can’t create new keys using dconf, and you need to know the correct value for the key that you wish to change – some of these values will be a relatively simple choice between ‘true’ and ‘false’, but others are going to be more complicate­d. Refer to the Top Tip box if you run into trouble.

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