Linux Format

Installing Docker on Ubuntu


Because Docker developmen­t is pretty rapid, distributi­on repos struggle to keep up and indeed, most distros have given up trying. But don’t worry, there’s no need to build it from source every time there’s a new release.

Docker maintain repositori­es for Ubuntu LTSes (14.04, 16.04) as well as the latest 17.04. Note that Docker isn’t available for 32-bit machines. You probably will have these packages already, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure: $ sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificat­es curl software-properties-common

$ Nextcurl -fsSLwe add Docker GPG key: ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -

Now you need to verify the key’s fingerprin­t. It should end in 0EBF CD88 , if it doesn’t then either something sinister is afoot ( noneedtobe sodramatic–Ed) or a new key has been issued since we wrote this article. Check the official docs either way. $ sudo apt-key fingerprin­t 0EBFCD88 Now we can add the Docker repo. Replace zesty with the codename of your Ubuntu version (for example, trusty or xenial ). You can put all of this command on one line, but we’ve use slashes to try and make it look neater ( tryharder nexttime–Ed): $ sudo add-apt-repository \ “deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker. com/linux/ubuntu \ zesty stable” Finally we can update the package indices and install DockerComm­unityEditi­on: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install docker-ce

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