Linux Format

Fixing Meltdown & Spectre..

Isolating the world’s largest collaborat­ive software project from vulnerabil­ities is no small task, as a Spectre-haunted Mayank Sharma discovers.


One of the most complex and far-reaching security flaws hits almost every modern processor. Luckily Mayank Sharma has a fix.

You won’t have missed the news about Meltdown and Spectre – two of the most widespread security vulnerabil­ities that affects millions of CPUs in use today. They were discovered independen­tly by teams at including Google Project Zero and researcher­s at the Technical University of Graz in Austria, among others.

Two things emerged once the dust settled on the implicatio­ns, extent and severity of the vulnerabil­ities. One was the loud, unified criticism of how the disclosure about the vulnerabil­ities was communicat­ed to the software stakeholde­rs. The other was the stellar response by the Linux kernel community to mitigate the damage and contain the threats using software workaround­s that compensate for the hardware vulnerabil­ity.

With more than 25 million lines of code spread over 61,000 files contribute­d by over 4,300 developers, the Linux kernel is the world’s largest collaborat­ive software project. The agility shown by the behemoth software in fixing a hardware flaw is commendabl­e and deserves a closer look. Much like the kernel developmen­t itself, the process of insulating the kernel against vulnerabil­ities involves dozens of people spread all over the world. A core team of kernel developers form the Linux kernel security team that helps build a software moat around the kernel. They coordinate their efforts with those of several kernel security teams at the various marquee distributi­on projects that pitch in to test the patches before a vulnerabil­ity is made public. The process from the discovery of a vulnerabil­ity to patching the kernel with a fix happens at pace.

While the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabil­ities and their handling by everyone involved will be dissected at length, it gives us the perfect opportunit­y to take a peek behind the process and understand the efforts involved before the event notifier spits out the notice about a new kernel update.

“Insulating the kernel against vulnerabil­ities involves people spread all over the world”

Current Linux maintainer Greg KroahHartm­an recently blogged about how the kernel team handles security threats. Greg notes that the Linux kernel community almost never declares specific changes as “security fixes”. He explains that this is because of the difficulty in determinin­g if a bugfix is a security fix or not, at the time of creation. Many bug fixes are only determined to be security related after much time has passed.

When security problems are reported to the kernel community, they’re fixed as soon as possible (usually in about a week) and pushed out publicly to the developmen­t tree and the stable releases. Greg reasons that this is done to enable affected parties to update their systems before the reporter of the problem announces it.

Lifecycle of a vulnerabil­ity

Software projects usually track the list of common vulnerabil­ities and exposures (CVEs) to identify and fix vulnerabil­ities in software ( see the CVE box, below).

“Every working day an Ubuntu security team member triages newly assigned CVEs. We scan MITRE’s database, the oss-security mailing list, CVE lists maintained by other distros – including Debian, and the source repositori­es for many open source projects to identify newly assigned public CVEs,” says Emily Ratliff, Head of Security at Canonical. The Security Team examines each CVE to determine whether Ubuntu is affected: “Each CVE is checked into our CVE database. Every working day, several Ubuntu Security Team members check the open issues in the database and prepare updates for release.”

CVEs aren’t the usual starting point for fixing security issues at Fedora. In fact, Justin Forbes, one of Fedora’s kernel maintainer­s, says that the two aren’t even tied together: “Many CVEs are requested long after a fix has gone into mainline, or even many distro kernels.” Justin reveals that the majority of them are not huge in themselves and of little consequenc­e on their own, but “they still need to be fixed, as people can chain exploits to get much more with many small attacks.”

Patch em’ up

According to Justin, a potential security bug is usually found during a code review, or fuzz testing (a quality-assurance technique): “That bug is either fixed with a patch and then someone asks for a CVE, or the finder reports the bug (hopefully to the correct people) and someone ends up requesting a CVE and someone writes a patch to fix it.” Justin adds that another frequent case is when a patch is written to fix a bug, and someone notices that the bug was actually a possible exploitabl­e security issue. Discussion­s around fixing these issues happens in the public, he shares, usually across a combinatio­n of relevant upstream lists and security-focused lists.

Besides the vulnerabil­ities that comes up during code reviews, Justin points out that the kernel and the distributi­ons also have to deal with issues for which a researcher has probably written proof-of-concept code and shown that they are easily exploitabl­e, or can create large problems if exploited. He adds that these issues are frequently sent to various distributi­on security teams, or to specifical­ly non-public email lists such as

Emily explains the process in more detail. She says that security researcher­s often disclose vulnerabil­ities to the Ubuntu Security Team privately via GPG encrypted email. When the vulnerabil­ities apply to open source projects, an Ubuntu Security Team member will coordinate with the researcher and the upstream communitie­s to report the vulnerabil­ity to the project’s developers.

“For vulnerabil­ities in projects originated or maintained by Canonical, the Ubuntu Security Team will file a private security bug in Launchpad and work with internal developers to get the vulnerabil­ity fixed,” she says, adding that, “Canonical is the CNA (CVE Numbering Authority) for projects initiated by Canonical developers, so in this case, Canonical will assign a CVE to the vulnerabil­ity and notify MITRE of the details of the vulnerabil­ity.”

Many issues are discussed privately before being made public. Emily points out that the

details of these issues are embargoed until an agreed upon Coordinate­d Release Date. There are many different ways that distributi­ons and other affected parties come together to discuss these private issues. According to Emily large projects maintain their own lists of security teams who will be affected by security issues in the project. “One such list is the mailing list, which discusses security issues in the Linux kernel,” she says. “Open Wall maintains the distros list (, which is frequently used to discuss embargoed issues in a wide variety of open source packages.”

Justin points out that when an issue is posted to, coordinati­on happens to get the patch developed and tested before such an issue is publicly disclosed: “The goal is to have fixes to users either before or immediatel­y after disclosure to limit the exposure that users have. And of course, as a Linux distributi­on, the real goal is to have upstream fixed.”

Kernel plumbing

Once a vulnerabil­ity is found and reported, then the fix is generated in a similar manner to any other bug fix. Emily says that sometimes the reporter may include a patch or a test case reproducin­g the issue. The maintainer­s may accept the patch or produce their own fix. In some cases, she adds the distros produce patches and contribute the fixes back to the upstream projects.

Talking from the point of view of a distributi­on kernel, Justin says that their goal is to ensure that the users have as little security exposure as possible: “Because Fedora is so fast moving, we end up closing a lot of CVEs with ‘we fixed that two weeks ago with kernel version x.y.z.’” He suggests that this is because a lot of these issues move through the upstream kernel before anyone requests a CVE or ties them in as security issues.

“For other issues, we’ll often find a patch floating around which just hasn’t made it into an upstream release yet,” he adds. These patches are then pulled in and pushed out to users in the next kernel build. Justin reveals that the Fedora project pushes kernel updates almost every week. More serious issues are handled with a special build specifical­ly to get the fixes out. However, he says that a lot of the CVEs are only questionab­ly a security risk, and closer to regular bugs: “Things like a user with physical access to a machine can cause a DoS, or someone using a very uncommon piece of hardware can crash the system, etc. Those can wait for the regular build.”

In case a patch for a vulnerabil­ity doesn’t exist, Justin says that the project then follows up with developers who maintain that particular section of code, or write a fix and send it to them. He reveals that Fedora is very big on ‘upstream first’, and goes on to say that, “Ideally we would not be carrying any patches at all, because everything we need is upstream, so you’ll never see a security patch sitting in a Fedora tree that hasn’t been floated upstream. In the event of embargoed issues, we might test fixes internally, but they hit the Fedora tree at the time of public disclosure.”

Marcus Meissner who is part of OpenSUSE’s Security Team, sums up the entire process. “For embargoed issues, most of them happen via the distros and linux-distros’ closed vendor coordinati­on lists, where usually patches get posted as heads up and an embargoed date is agreed upon, with only some technical discussion. We also receive embargoed reports directly from some projects, like XEN, CURL and some others, usually accompanie­d with patches.”

The twilight zone

Perhaps the most widespread security issues in recent times are CVE-2017-5754, CVE2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5715 – dubbed Meltdown and Spectre. By most estimates the issues affect all computers built in the past decade irrespecti­ve of the operating system they run. The three different threats are not exactly the same, but they’re related and use a similar exploit mechanism to gain access to privileged data. In a snap, the vulnerabil­ities involve reading memory locations that are supposed to be protected and reserved for use by the kernel. They exploit an architectu­ral technique known as speculativ­e execution, which was designed to improve computer performanc­e.

Once the vulnerabil­ities were uncovered, all the stakeholde­rs including the hardware vendors and the operating systems including several Linux distributi­ons agreed upon 9 January, 2018 as the coordinate­d release date to disclose the vulnerabil­ity. On that date, they would all release updates to mitigate the issues. Due to several circumstan­ces however, the issues were disclosed to the public ahead of schedule on 3 January, 2018. As a result, patches weren’t available for some distributi­ons when the vulnerabil­ities were disclosed.

Work on addressing the vulnerabil­ities started appearing in the Linux kernel at the end of October with the KAISER set of patches. The KAISER patchset separates the page tables, which are currently shared between user and kernel space, into two sets of tables – one for each side. Subsequent­ly, this work was renamed as kernel page-table isolation or KPTI. The patches were a fundamenta­l change of the kernel’s memory management function. Typically, such a major change would have been actively debated and

“The goal is to have fixes to users either before or immediatel­y after disclosure”

discussed. But since it was fast-tracked through the kernel releases, many people suspected that the work was being done under an embargo.

In a couple of days after the disclosure, all the fixes for Meltdown on the x86 hardware had been backported to the latest stable v4.14 kernel as well as in the v4.4 and v4.9 LTS kernel trees. Linus Torvalds released the first new Linux kernel of 2018, v4.15, on 28 January, after the longest developmen­t cycle for a new Linux kernel in seven years with nine release candidates.

Justin mentions that the Fedora developers knew that Meltdown was the most serious risk as it was fairly simple to exploit: “We were working with the KPTI patches over holidays to ensure that we were set to push fixes as soon as disclosure happened, and I think we got those out within a few hours of disclosure.” He goes on to admit that there is still some follow up work with other architectu­res, but assures us that those are being fixed as quickly as possible, and have less exposure.

It was pretty much the same story over at Canonical. According to a blog post, Canonical was made aware of the vulnerabil­ities under embargo in November 2017 and their engineers were working “through the Christmas and New Years holidays, testing and integratin­g an incredibly complex patch set into a broad set of Ubuntu kernels and CPU architectu­res.”

Of the two, Spectre is the trickier one and as Greg writes in a blog post was the last to be addressed by the kernel developers: “All of us were working on the Meltdown issue, and we had no real informatio­n on exactly what the Spectre problem was at all, and what patches were floating around were in even worse shape than what have been publicly posted.” The Spectre issue is addressed in kernel v4.15 with the Retpoline code that was originally developed by Google.

Justin agrees that although Spectre is much more difficult to exploit it is still critically important to fix: “We followed upstream on this [Spectre], sometimes doing several builds a day to test new revisions of those patches. Again, x86_64 was the top priority because that is where the most users are.” Laura Abbott, another Fedora kernel security engineer adds that since Fedora stays so close to upstream they were able to mostly take the patches as posted and just apply them to the Fedora kernel: “Distributi­ons which were on older kernels had to do much more work to backport to their kernels.”

Lines of communicat­ion

In terms of communicat­ion, Marcus explains that for deeper and longer running technical issues like with Meltdown and Spectre, ad-hoc communicat­ion channels / lists are establishe­d. For example, for Meltdown a special external mailing list had been set up, where the involved kernel developers were subscribed. Here they discussed integratin­g the mitigation­s and reviewed backports.

There has been a fair amount of quibbling about how this process has played out ( see boxout, below) and Linus Torvalds has been very vocal – as usual – in his criticism of Intel and its approach to the entire episode. Justin isn’t impressed as well: “Clearly, the whole thing has been a bit of a mess, and I hope that we have learned something so that the next time something like this comes along, we can do a better job of coordinate­d disclosure.”

While the immediate threat has been handled, Justin believes the vulnerabil­ities will haunt us for quite some time. “I think, due to the nature of these issues being architectu­ral design and not simple code issues, this is something that will be ongoing for a bit.”

“Plug the holes as quickly as possible, then optimise the fixes”, is the way to move forward says Justin, commenting on the strategy of the kernel developers. Once the dust has settled and everyone’s done pointing fingers, it is the community of open source developers that has once again saved the day. Justin sums it up perfectly: “No matter what distributi­on you are working with, or product you are manufactur­ing, the end result is that users need to be protected.”

 ??  ?? The bogeyman! Also known as CVE-20175754 or Meltdown to his Intel friends.
The bogeyman! Also known as CVE-20175754 or Meltdown to his Intel friends.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Make sure you always install kernel updates whenever your distributi­on offers one.
Make sure you always install kernel updates whenever your distributi­on offers one.
 ??  ?? Eben Upton blogged in detail (http://bit. ly/pi-not-vulnerable) about the Raspberry Pi’s invulnerab­ility to Meltdown and Spectre.
Eben Upton blogged in detail (http://bit. ly/pi-not-vulnerable) about the Raspberry Pi’s invulnerab­ility to Meltdown and Spectre.
 ??  ?? has been benchmarki­ng various components across distributi­ons with the KPTI and Retpoline mitigation patches. has been benchmarki­ng various components across distributi­ons with the KPTI and Retpoline mitigation patches.
 ??  ?? You can check whether your installati­on is vulnerable to Meltdown or Spectre with this script (
You can check whether your installati­on is vulnerable to Meltdown or Spectre with this script (
 ??  ?? This freeware tool (­e) will alert you when attackers attempt to exploit the Meltdown vulnerabil­ity.
This freeware tool (­e) will alert you when attackers attempt to exploit the Meltdown vulnerabil­ity.

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