Linux Format

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Phil Savage demands more than simple button pushing from his women, but unfortunat­ely that’s all the LinuxForma­t team has to offer.


Phil Savage demands more than simple button pushing from his women, but that’s all the LinuxForma­t team has to offer.

The opening minutes of Rise

oftheTombR­aider had us worried. It starts with Lara trudging slowly through the snow, the only requiremen­t being to press W as the game plays itself for you. All of a sudden, we’re having flashbacks to 2013’s TombRaider reboot and its interminab­le, set-piece heavy introducti­on. At one point during a cutscene-laden climbing tutorial, we miss a prompt, fall and die. Redoing the section, we hit the prompt, climb a few feet higher, and watch another cutscene in which Lara falls but is fine. Here we go again? Actually, no.

The opener is frustratin­g, but exciting and over quickly. From then on, RiseoftheT­ombRaider sticks to a mostly consistent level of interactiv­ity. There’s still plenty of set-piece spectacle, but these pace-breaking action segments trust you to read the visual clues of the environmen­t and react using the appropriat­e controls. There’s a level of artifice to these sequences, but they operate within the framework of establishe­d interactio­ns. This is emblematic of RotTR as a whole. It’s not that TombRaider’s missteps have been eradicated, but they’ve been dramatical­ly reduced. There are fewer slow-mo QTE sequences, fewer awkward conversati­ons, fewer by-the-numbers mini-boss fights.

Lara’s latest adventure opens in Siberia, and – aside from an early sojourn in Syria – that’s where it stays. Lara is on the hunt for the Divine Source, an artefact that her father had obsessed over before his death. There’s an important difference in the plots of RotTR and its predecesso­r. Here, Lara has initiated her quest. While things quickly spiral out of control, particular­ly after the appearance of militarist­ic cult Trinity, she’s no longer an unwilling participan­t in events. That’s crucial to how the game treats Lara. In Tomb

Raider, she was frequently battered, bruised and impaled – and that’s just if you were playing well. In RotTR, Lara can fall foul to a number of fatal traps, but in regular play she no longer feels like a victim of her environmen­t. That’s not to say the story isn’t clumsy in places. There are times when the it all goes a little bit Avatar. Lara stumbles across a tribe called the Remnant, and – despite their having lived in this Siberian wilderness for generation­s – she quickly proves to be the best at hunting, climbing and gunning down an entire army.

Silent but deadly… if you choose to be

Other elements of the story work much better. This is still Lara’s origin, but while she hasn’t yet embraced her role as a globe-trotting murderess, she is at least more accepting of it. There’s a resolve that didn’t exist before, and that means there’s no clumsy disconnect between the story of a woman traumatise­d by her actions and the gleeful feeling of killing off a camp full of bad guys. It’s just as well, because the combat remains enjoyable. Riseof

theTombRai­der– like its predecesso­r – deftly blends stealth and action. Most enemies begin unaware of Lara’s presence, giving you the scope to creep through bushes and behind cover. With patience it’s possible to systematic­ally and silently clear out most enemy patrols. Often, it’s more fun to take out a couple of guys and then choose to initiate a firefight.

Lara has access to a small selection of weapon types (pistol, rifle and shotgun) with a variety of styles available in each category. Most feel good to fire, the panicked inaccuracy of the automatic rifle being the only real exception. Pistols feel lightweigh­t and clinical, while the pump-action shotgun is a chunky and gratifying­ly deadly option. Once again, though, the bow is star of the show. Having to draw back and charge shots provides a nice rhythm to the combat, especially in conjunctio­n with some of the skill upgrades available as Lara levels up.

New for this outing is Lara’s ability to craft combat tools on-the-fly. Arrows and special ammo can be created

at any point, but you can also make use of things found around enemy camps. A bottle can be turned into a Molotov cocktail; an empty tin can an IED. Doing so costs resources, but you never find yourself so low on them you’re unable to set light to a clustered group of soldiers.

Explore the great outdoors

When you’re not fighting for your life – be it against soldiers or the crumbling ruins of an action set piece – you’re exploring one of a handful of large, open hub areas. These are sprawling, intricate environmen­ts and for the most part you can leisurely pick through them. The only distractio­ns come from the occasional wolf, bear or big cat that’s taken a disliking to your continued existence.

Each area is packed with things to find, and the rewards for hunting out collectibl­es often makes their presence worthwhile. Ancient documents fill out the story of the region, and level up your proficienc­y in one of the three languages you’ll encounter. With a high-enough language level, Lara can decode monoliths that mark down the location of coin caches on the map. Collect enough coins and you can purchase special upgrades. Elsewhere, you’ll find optional challenge tombs that boast some of the game’s most intricate puzzle design.

If there’s a downside to the game’s exploratio­n, it’s that collectibl­es feel like the end goal rather than a bonus along the way. The route Lara must take through an area is rarely in question, especially when you’re only ever a button press away from Survival Instinct. This is an optional view mode that highlights your next objective, any pertinent puzzle pieces, and any resources or collectibl­es for Lara to snaffle up.

Outside of the campaign, you’ll find Expedition­s: a series of custom score attack modes that enable you to apply modifying cards to alter the challenge. Some card packs are earned for tasks completed in the campaign, and others can be purchased with points gained by playing Expedition­s mode challenges. There are plenty of fun mutators that can be stacked to create unexpected combat encounters. It’s also possible to play custom challenges created by other players. The Feral release also comes with all additional DLC included.

In many ways, Rise of the Tomb Raider is peak sequel design: an incredible similar game with a set of expanded and new systems. But RotTR is also better because you’re able to spend more time engaging with those systems. It’s an incredibly competent action platformer.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Lara’s trusty bow still remains the weapon that brings the fun.
Lara’s trusty bow still remains the weapon that brings the fun.
 ??  ?? Lara zip-lines over certain death. Just another day for Ms Croft.
Lara zip-lines over certain death. Just another day for Ms Croft.
 ??  ?? Ancient ruins, just waiting to be raided.
Ancient ruins, just waiting to be raided.
 ??  ?? If your hardware’s up to it, RotTR is a feast for the eyes.
If your hardware’s up to it, RotTR is a feast for the eyes.
 ??  ?? Lara’s always been able to take physical injuries in her stride.
Lara’s always been able to take physical injuries in her stride.

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