Linux Format

Wayland applicatio­ns


Besides the Gnome applicatio­n suite (and any modern GTK, or Qt applicatio­n), there are a few apps that have native Wayland support. If you want a lightweigh­t terminal, for example, then Terminolog­y (from the Enlightenm­ent desktop) is a good bet, as is the popular Termite (which you’ll need to compile yourself). You could then run everything in a terminal, which earns you many geek points. For example, you can play music with ncmpcpp, browse the web with Links or manage files with MidnightCo­mmander. That’s not everyone’s cup of tea though, so let’s continue. Screenshot­s used to be a Wayland bugbear, but not so with swaygrab (which is installed with the sway package). It can even capture video too. If you’re more interested in watching videos, then MPV (a popular descendant of the venerable Mplayer) works very well. There’s a nice lightweigh­t image viewer called Imv too – ideal for Sway. SDL2 applicatio­ns (which includes many games) support Wayland too, through setting the environmen­t variable SDL_VIDEODRIVE­R=wayland .

Beside’s Gnome’s Epiphany, you’ll be hard pushed to find a (graphical) web browser that works natively in Wayland. Igalia have been working on getting Chromium working with video accelerati­on on Wayland for a while now, which is a serious business. If you want to try out Fedora’s unofficial FirefoxNig­htly and Developmen­t flatpaks, check out

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