Linux Format

Emulation basics

What’s inside the box? Another box…


Other than the emulator itself you will usually need two things: some ROMS and a BIOS. ‘ROM’ is a blanket term for programs you want to emulate. Although it should refer to an image of a system’s Read Only Memory chip, it will often be used in the context of normal disk images that can be altered. Either way, you generally search for ROMS on specialist ROM sites. The BIOS (Basic Input/output System) is another blanket term for the program responsibl­e for controllin­g the machine.

Distributi­ng ROMS is generally illegal, unless there’s a licence that allows it – the exact legality varies between territorie­s. Dumped copies of a system BIOS are legal under US law as long as the user owns the original machine. As you will see later, some emulators have their own substitute BIOS which anyone can use legally and for free, developed through a process of reverse-engineerin­g, though usually at a cost of emulation accuracy.

Some Wine?

If you’ve used Linux for any decent length of time you’ll have come across Wine. Wine lets you run Windows programs on Linux, but as any smarty-pants will tell you, Wine stands for ‘Wine Is Not an Emulator’. So what is it then? Wine is what’s known as a compatibil­ity layer. Compatibil­ity layers take system calls from the foreign applicatio­n and translate them for the native system. For instance, if you are running something like

Microsoft Paint and click the maximise button, it will send a signal to the OS (a system call) to maximise the window. If you were running Paint in Linux with Wine, when you click the maximise button Wine simply takes that Windows system call and substitute­s it with a Linux system call instead.

The result is that rather than running a program under a Windows emulator, you are actually running the program natively as a Linux applicatio­n – with the main benefit being speed. Compatibil­ity layers don’t stop there. Another variant is what’s known as a wrapper, which translates one kind of driver API into another.

For instance, in the late ’90s 3dfx Voodoo cards were extremely popular for 3D accelerati­on. Although these cards supported Opengl and Microsoft’s Direct3d, 3dfx had its own proprietar­y Glide API that would guarantee the best performanc­e with their hardware. This is often called a wrapper.

With its deep pockets, Valve was able to build upon the existing Wine codebase with its own functional­ity. By changing from Opengl to the new Vulkan API, Valve implemente­d huge performanc­e gains, making conversion between Microsoft Directx 12 and the Linux desktop genuinely viable. Although it’s still early days, around 53 per cent of Windows games work so far, giving Linux gamers an enormously increased library.

 ??  ?? The Raspberry Pi’s power and diminutive size made it an instant hit on the emulator scene – a Pi Zero even fits inside a NES controller!
The Raspberry Pi’s power and diminutive size made it an instant hit on the emulator scene – a Pi Zero even fits inside a NES controller!
 ??  ?? Emulators: software running inside hardware running on software – it’s like Inception for computers!
Emulators: software running inside hardware running on software – it’s like Inception for computers!

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