Linux Format



We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the colossus that is MAME – the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. The hardware of older arcade machines could vary wildly between games, so an emulator was needed that covered all these different machines. MAME differs from other emulators in that it uses a modular approach, where individual cores are installed that power and control different machines. This approach is an effective new path that may prove to be more reliable than constantly writing new emulators with different interfaces. MAME has been around since the ’90s and is command-line driven, so you’ll want a GUI front-end for it: MESS has been on the scene for ages, but Retroarch is now the most popular. Retroarch is probably in your repository, but if not, check the instructio­ns at for multiple installer options. To save time and avoid frustratio­n, choose the Developmen­t version over Stable. If you choose the Stable version, you may not have the Core Updater function, which is where you can choose from a large list of regularly updated emulation cores.

However, not everyone is a fan of Retroarch – it can require a lot of tinkering and may mess with your control layouts. If you fancy an alternativ­e, try Attract-mode (attractmod­ it’s a newer frontend that is still open-source but has a strong community behind it and support for scripting.

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