Linux Format


Version: GIT Web: yaronn/blessed-contrib


blessed-contrib is an ‘activity simulator’ much like Hollywood Technodram­a from Ubuntu’s Dustin Kirkland (see LXF195). This is an absolutely useless, fun and utterly brilliant amusement app intended to imitated mission-control-like dashboards similar to those seen in the background of Hollywood movies.

Blessed-contrib is built using a completely different stack of technologi­es to Hollywood Technodram­a that mainly use Node.js. The results look deceivingl­y serious and technical. Here we have some charts, graphs, meters and of course a beautiful world map of fake servers, all rendered using ASCII symbols.

It fits in a single terminal window and doesn’t require terminal multiplexi­ng. Resizing the window makes the content stretch accordingl­y, so you may want to find the optimal size for your display; a maximised Blessedcon­trib window on a 4K display looks rather empty, whereas making it too small truncates some text.

Suprisingl­y, Blessed-contrib needs only few dependenci­es in order to draw all that beauty. You only need a recent Node.js installati­on with the npm package manager. Navigate to the directory with the applicatio­n contents and run:

$ npm install

That’s it. Now run your hot steaming dashboard simulator:

$ node ./examples/dashboard.js

There are several .js files inside the examples

directory, enabling you to run certain parts of the dashboard separately.

 ??  ?? Let’s hope mankind won’t devolve to using primitive ASCII interfaces.
Let’s hope mankind won’t devolve to using primitive ASCII interfaces.

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