Linux Format

Easy Nextcloud

With the help of Chris Notley we set sail on a voyage of discovery to install Docker and use it to build a working instance of Nextcloud.

- Chris Notley runs a technology consultanc­y in Surrey with an interest in open source software.

With the help of Chris Notley we set sail on a voyage of discovery to install Docker and use it to build a working instance of Nextcloud in easy steps.

We’re going to demystify and make Docker easy to use, explaining how to run it and expose services to the internet. For our case study we will use Nextcloud and a fresh installati­on of Ubuntu Server 18.04. The goal here is not to demonstrat­e a ‘better’ way of running Nextcloud, but rather how to use the Docker platform.

Docker is probably the best-known container system for Linux, although it is far from the only one. Containers allow developers to build all the necessary libraries, services and configurat­ion files into a predefined package that can be recreated on-demand. They solve an age-old problem where applicatio­ns work fine in developmen­t but not when they’re moved into production due to various dependenci­es, such as OS version, libraries, etc. This may sound similar to virtualisa­tion (Virtualbox, Vmware, etc.), but containers do not emulate hardware and even use the host server’s OS kernel – see the boxout (opposite page) for more.

Get docked

We’re going to use a virtual machine (any flavour will do,

Virtualbox will work fine) on which to install Ubuntu Server 18.04. Feel free to add Docker onto an existing Linux installati­on too, but you may need to change some of the settings we apply later. During the installati­on of Ubuntu Server accept all the default settings, and the only optional package that may be useful is the SSH server (this tutorial assumes that the username defined during installati­on is ‘tutorial’).

With Ubuntu Server installed we are now ready to install Docker, and there are a number of ways to do this. The Ubuntu repositori­es include a version of Docker called; however it is quite old. While containers themselves are not a new concept, Docker is a young platform, so we’ll use the official Docker repository for the Community Edition (docker-ce). The team at Docker maintain a full installati­on guide for Ubuntu at docker-ce/ubuntu, but we will run through only the necessary steps for a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04.

We will start by updating our repository files, and then adding the Docker repository GPG key with the following commands: sudo apt-get update curl -fssl gpg | sudo apt-key add -

We can now add the Docker repository to our installati­on with: sudo add-apt-repository \

“deb [arch=amd64] linux/ubuntu \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable”

Finally, install the various Docker components needed using the following command: sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose

We should now have a working Docker installati­on, including all of the necessary back-end services as well as the command line tools to launch containers. To make life easier later in the tutorial we should add our username into the docker group, which will save us from having to remember to prefix every command with

sudo. To do this, run the command: sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

Log out and back into the console/ssh session.

Creating containers

We can now test our installati­on is working correctly by using the Docker ‘hello-world’ container image via the command docker run hello-world. This container is not very exciting – all it does is display a confirmati­on message to show that Docker is running correctly.

Let’s take a quick look at the command we have just run to understand what it does. The docker command provides a way to interact with the container engine running on our Docker host and allows us to launch and manage containers. We used the run option here to create and launch a new container using the image name ‘hello-world’ (a test image provided by the team at Docker Inc.). As we will see when we run the command on the Docker host, the first thing that happens is that our Docker installati­on cannot find that image locally, so it searches for the name on Docker Hub (see the boxout for more on Docker Hub). It then downloads the image to our server and launches a container using it.

Now let’s look at some of the other Docker command line options, starting with docker ps, which shows the status of all running containers. If we run this command immediatel­y after executing the hello-world example, it’s surprising to see that nothing is listed at all. The reason for this is that when the hello-world container ran, it simply displayed the welcome message and then exited, so the container is no longer running. We can see all containers (running or not) with the command docker ps -a, which should show the stopped helloworld container. This command shows the ID of each container in the first column (this is a unique reference on each Docker installati­on – for this tutorial the ID was 8600d8c3a8­6a) along with informatio­n such as the image used to create the container, along with the current status and more.

We can delete a container as long as it is not running using the docker rm command. As our hello-world container is already stopped, we can delete it using the command docker rm 8600d8c3a8­6a (replace the ID with the value shown in your system when running the docker ps -a command).

So far we have created and listed containers as well as deleting them. However, we have seen only a small subset of the capabiliti­es of Docker. We’ll now move on to installing Nextcloud, and the first decision we need to make is what container image to use. For this tutorial we will use the excellent images from the team at www.linuxserve­ Their website provides a list of the images they maintain at https://fleet.linuxserve­

with a link to Docker Hub showing documentat­ion for each image in turn.

We are going to use Docker bind mounts in this tutorial – see the boxout (right) for more informatio­n – and to prepare for this we will create some directorie­s inside our home, using the following commands: mkdir -p ~/nextcloud/{config,data} mkdir -p ~/mariadb/config

With the directorie­s made, manually create a new Docker container using the docker create command. Unlike the docker run command we used earlier, this command defines the container but does not launch it, and we can use the following command to do so: docker create \

--name=nextcloud \ -e PUID=1000 \

-e PGID=1000 \

-e Tz=europe/london \

-p 443:443 \

-v ~/nextcloud/config:/config \ -v ~/nextcloud/data:/data \

--restart unless-stopped \ linuxserve­r/nextcloud

Breaking down the command above, the first option gives the container a friendly name (this saves us from having to use the container ID and needs to be unique on your system). The next three lines define environmen­tal variables that control the user and group IDS under which the container will run, as well as our time zone.

The next option is new in this tutorial and tells Docker to direct traffic destined to TCP port 443 on the host to this container – a bit like setting a port forwarding entry on a broadband router.

The next two lines tell Docker to mount the two directorie­s we created earlier to /config and /data respective­ly, inside our new container, while the penultimat­e option tells Docker to restart the container

unless we explicitly tell it to stop. And finally, we specify the name of the container image we wish to use on Docker Hub.

When we run the above command, the first thing that happens is that the Docker installati­on will realise it does not hold a local copy of the image and so will download and extract it (as an aside here, at the time of writing the size of the linuxserve­r/nextcloud image was 133MB, not bad when compared to the size of a virtual disk file) and will then return the full container ID when finished. We can now start our new container using the command docker start nextcloud, and we can test it easily enough by opening a web browser and pointing it at the IP address of our Docker host (remember to use https://). After ignoring the security error (the container uses a self-signed certificat­e that won’t be trusted by your browser) we should see the Nextcloud setup wizard.

We now have a working instance of Nextcloud running in Docker created using a single (albeit multiline) command, and we can start and stop it using a simple command line tool. This container has just the services and libraries needed to run the applicatio­n (hence why it is only 133MB in size), but it uses the Linux kernel of our Docker host.

Creating containers this way is great when we want to test out a new applicatio­n or service. However, if we want to run a service permanentl­y, there are some big disadvanta­ges to using docker create. While it is possible to inspect an existing container and determine settings like port forwarding and volume mounts, there is no record kept of the docker create options we used to create the container (the only exception here is if it’s in the bash_history file).

This disadvanta­ge becomes more obvious when we consider how we go about updating an existing container when there is an update to the image, which is the following:

docker pull linuxserve­r/nextcloud updates the container image

docker stop nextcloud stops the existing container

docker rm nextcloud removes the existing container

docker create --name=nextcloud -e PUID=1000 recreates the container as before

The above process is not particular­ly onerous with a single container, but if our use of Docker grows and we maintain several containers, then repeating this process for every container is going to be both monotonous and prone to errors. In addition, if we need to move containers to a new host (for instance, we test them on a laptop and then want to move them to a server), we would need to keep a record of every setting we used to create the containers.


Enter docker-compose, an orchestrat­ion tool that can help us manage our containers and greatly simplify activities such as upgrading, changing settings and moving containers. The tool enables multiple services to be defined as well as the dependenci­es between them, and relies on a single configurat­ion file (in YAML format).

We will dive straight in and redefine our Nextcloud service this way, but to start with we need to remove the instance we created earlier using the following:

docker stop nextcloud docker rm nextcloud

We’ll now create a file named docker-compose.yml in our home directory and paste the following content in (spacing is important, and each indentatio­n level below is made up of two spaces):

version: “2” services: nextcloud: image: linuxserve­r/nextcloud container_name: nextcloud environmen­t:

- PUID=1000

- PGID=1000

- Tz=europe/london volumes:

- ~/nextcloud/config:/config

- ~/nextcloud/data:/data


- 443:443 restart: unless-stopped

While the above format is slightly different from the docker create command, the settings are the same.

With the file created we can create and launch our container using a single command: docker-compose up -d (the -d flag tells the compose command to start the containers in detached mode – ie running in the background). The command will create a new network and then create and start the Nextcloud container for us. We can check it is running correctly using the ‘docker ps’ command we ran earlier and should see the new Nextcloud container running.

With Nextcloud defined, let’s now add an additional container to run Mariadb (we would normally run Nextcloud with either MARIADB/MYSQL or Postgresql). To add an extra container we need to define an additional service in our docker-compose.yml file. We can paste the content below into that file (note that the spacing is important and the first line must have two spaces in front of it): mariadb: image: linuxserve­r/mariadb container_name: mariadb environmen­t:

- PUID=1000


- ~/mariadb/config:/config ports:

- 3306:3306 restart: unless-stopped

Again we are using an image supplied by the team at www.linuxserve­, and while the content above looks slightly different to the earlier example, it is still broken into the same sections.

For this image we can define both the root password and create an applicatio­n-specific database at the point the image is created, all of which is controlled using environmen­tal variables. This is extremely powerful, because the new container will start and already have the database, username and also the password defined in one go.

With our new service defined, we can launch it using the same command as before (docker-compose up -d).

This time, as we are using a new image for the first time, we will see compose pull down a copy of the latest Mariadb image from Docker Hub and then create and start our container. If you encounter any problems at this point it will probably be due to incorrect spacing/ indentatio­n of the docker-compose.yml file. You can pull down a complete version of the file from https://­ose.yml.

We should now have two containers running on our Docker host: nextcloud and mariadb. We can now complete the Nextcloud setup wizard by pointing a web browser at the IP address of our Docker host (remember to prefix with https://) and complete the MYSQL/MARIADB entries using the values defined in our docker-compose.yml file (change the Database host value from localhost to mariadb – this is a neat feature whereby containers can resolve each other by name).

One of the consequenc­es of a container approach is that updates tend to be delivered quite quickly in small batches, so we’ll now take a look at how to upgrade containers (when managed by docker-compose).

We can do so by running the following commands (assuming you are in your home directory): docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d

The above commands will pull down any updates to images defined in the container files and then remove and recreate any container for which an upgraded image is available (containers with no updates will not be interrupte­d). Compared with the earlier example for manually created containers (four steps for each container) we can see that there is substantia­l scope to reduce the effort involved in managing even a small estate of Docker containers.

For now we are done. In a future edtion of this tutorial we shall look at Traefik, a reverse proxy that can automatica­lly discover services on your Docker host.

 ??  ?? The hello-world container image is very useful to test that your Docker installati­on is working.
The hello-world container image is very useful to test that your Docker installati­on is working.
 ??  ?? ‘docker ps’ lists all running containers on your docker host. If you want to see stopped containers too make sure you add the ‘-a’ flag.
‘docker ps’ lists all running containers on your docker host. If you want to see stopped containers too make sure you add the ‘-a’ flag.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Docker Compose allows you to start and stop a number of containers with a single command while also ensuring consistenc­y.
Docker Compose allows you to start and stop a number of containers with a single command while also ensuring consistenc­y.
 ??  ?? Complete the Nextcloud setup wizard in your browser and use the database values defined in our docker-compose.yml file.
Complete the Nextcloud setup wizard in your browser and use the database values defined in our docker-compose.yml file.
 ??  ?? We’re done, Nextcloud and Mariadb are running in Docker, and with the wizard completed Nextcloud is working and ready for use!
We’re done, Nextcloud and Mariadb are running in Docker, and with the wizard completed Nextcloud is working and ready for use!
 ??  ?? Updating containers is a breeze with Docker Compose, with only two commands required, whether you are managing 2 or 10 containers.
Updating containers is a breeze with Docker Compose, with only two commands required, whether you are managing 2 or 10 containers.

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