Linux Format

Gods Deluxe

Version: 0.9.0 Web: https://github. com/jotd666/gods-deluxe


Gods Deluxe is a remake of the ’90s classic platform game for the Amiga and Atari ST. The author of the open source remake has recreated all the levels of the original, and then gone a step ahead and added four new levels of his own. To play the game, you first need the OpenJDK 1.7 runtime environmen­t. It’s available in the official repos of most distros. Ubuntu users can grab it with sudo apt install openjdk-17-jd , while Fedora users can use

sudo dnf install java-17-openjdk .

After installing OpenJDK, grab the game’s compressed archive from GitHub, and extract it with

unzip . Then switch to the unzipped folder and run the game with ./ . The game runs in windowed mode by default but you can use the -full-screen option to run the game full-screen. Gods Deluxe begins with an intro video that explains the player’s objective. You must venture into the ancient city to reclaim the citadel that the four guardians have stolen from the gods. In addition to porting the game to the PC, the developer has reworked the graphics while trying their best to be faithful to the original game.

Before jumping in, head to the options screen to tweak it as per your liking. There are four game modes or sets, and three difficulty levels. You can also choose from two different tilesets and just as many liveries for the protagonis­t. Instead of the Enter key, the game uses Ctrl to select an option.

Once inside the game, you can use the Ctrl key to throw weapons at the enemies. You can also jump on them and turn them to pulp. On the way, you collect power-ups and items such as keys in order to progress through the levels.

 ?? ?? In addition to English, the game’s menus and the in-game text have also been localised to French, German, and Hungarian.
In addition to English, the game’s menus and the in-game text have also been localised to French, German, and Hungarian.

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