Love Patchwork & Quilting

Honeycomb hexies

Ditch the tricky seams and piece Lynne Goldsworth­y’s complex looking quilt top with half hexies and triangles.


Ditch the tricky seams and piece Lynne Goldsworth­y’s complex looking quilt top with half hexies and triangles.

■ Seam allowances are ¼ in throughout,

unless otherwise noted. ■ Press seams open, unless otherwise

instructed. ■ Templates include seam allowances. ■ FQ = fat quarter. ■ RST = right sides together. ■ WOF = width of fabric. ■ Wash and press all fabrics well before

cutting. ■ We used more than the recommende­d ten prints, and cut fewer templates from some of them, for more variety of pattern in the quilt.

Fabric used

■ The print fabrics are all from the Indelible collection by Katarina Roccella for Art Gallery Fabrics.


1 From the background fabric cut: ■ Twenty- three ( 23) 1 ½ in x WOF strips. Subcut each strip into seven ( 7) 1 ½ in x 6in strips. ■ Fourteen ( 14) 1in x WOF strips. Subcut each strip into six ( 6) 1in x 7in strips. ■ Six ( 6) 2 ½ in x WOF strips. Sew end to end and then subcut into two ( 2) 2 ½ in x 52in strips and two ( 2) 2 ½ in x 69in strips.

2 Fold each print fabric FQ in half along the length and in half again along the length to make a folded strip 4 ½ in x 22in.

Trim about ¼ n from each folded edge to make four ( 4) 4in x 22in strips from the FQ. Leaving the strips stacked as they are use Templates A, B and C to cut pieces as shown ( Fig 1). You will end up with four ( 4) unit A , eight ( 8) unit B and eight ( 8) unit C from each FQ.

Note: Folding and cutting the FQ in this way will ensure that you have cut both left facing and right facing A pieces.


3 Sew 1 ½ in x 6in strips of background fabric to each side of the unit B half hexagons ( Fig a). 4 Press strips open, pressing seams towards the darker fabric ( Fig b). 5 Trim off excess fabric at the top and bottom of the half hexagons ( Fig c). 6 Sew one of the 1in x 7in background fabric strips to the top of each of the half hexagons ( Fig d). Press open ( Fig e). 7 Trim off excess fabric at each side of the strip ( Fig f). 8 Arrange the half hexagons, with the unit A half triangles and unit C triangles as per the layout diagram on page 18. Take care to place two half hexagons or two triangles of the same print together, where necessary.

9 Sew into rows. See Fig g and Fig h for how to attach the triangles in relation to each half hexagon. 10 Once all sixteen rows are pieced, sew all the rows together. 11 Sash the top and bottom of the quilt top using the 52in strips then sash the sides using the 69in strips, trimming each set as necessary.


12 Cut the backing fabric into two equal lengths, remove selvages then sew together along the long edges using a ½ in seam to make the quilt back.

13 Lay your backing fabric face down. Place the batting and quilt on top. Baste and quilt as desired. We quilted horizontal lines 1in apart using a grey thread. 14 Cut the binding fabric into six 2 ½ in x WOF strips. Sew the strips end to end using diagonal seams and fold in half along the length wrong sides together to make a double fold binding. Bind to finish, taking care to mitre corners.

 ??  ?? 14
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Lynne’s quilt is backed in one of our favourite Indelible prints – Time is Deer in Ember.
Lynne’s quilt is backed in one of our favourite Indelible prints – Time is Deer in Ember.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Sash your half- hexies with a dark fabric to really make those colour pop!
Sash your half- hexies with a dark fabric to really make those colour pop!
 ??  ?? dAdd the top sashing to your t r i mmed piec e…e Press and t rim and you’re read y to make thehoneyco­mbs!f
dAdd the top sashing to your t r i mmed piec e…e Press and t rim and you’re read y to make thehoneyco­mbs!f
 ??  ?? Fig 1
Fig 1
 ??  ?? Layout diagram: Honeycomb Hexies quilt
Layout diagram: Honeycomb Hexies quilt

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