Love Patchwork & Quilting


- MICHAEL CAPUTO www.patchworka­ @patchworkn­paper

Use light and dark fabrics to create an op-art effect. As in this clever colour combo quilt by Michael Caputo.

Use light and dark fabrics to create an op-art effect. As in this clever colour combo quilt by Michael Caputo.


Q Seam allowances are ¼in throughout. Q WOF = width of fabric. Q HST = half-square triangle. Q Press all fabrics before cutting. Q Press all seams open.


Q All of the fabrics shown are from the Winged collection by Bonnie Christine for Art Gallery Fabrics.



1 From Fabric A cut five (5) 7½in x WOF strips. Subcut each strip into 7½in squares. You will need twenty-two (22) squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for forty-four (44) triangles in total.

2 From Fabric B cut five (5) 7½in x WOF strips. Subcut each strip into 7½in squares. You will need twenty-two (22) squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for forty-four (44) triangles in total. 3 From Fabric C cut: Q Six (6) 7½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for twelve (12) triangles in total. Q Five (5) 5½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for ten (10) triangles in total. 4 From Fabric D cut:

Q Six (6) 7½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for twelve (12) triangles in total. Q Five (5) 5½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for ten (10) triangles in total. 5 From Fabric E cut:

Q Six (6) 7½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for twelve (12) triangles in total. Q Five (5) 5½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for ten (10) triangles in total. 6 From Fabric F cut: Q Six (6) 7½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for twelve (12) triangles in total. Q Five (5) 5½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for ten (10) triangles in total.

7 From Fabric G cut twenty (20) 5½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for forty (40) triangles in total.

8 Cut the backing fabric in half across the width. Sew the two pieces together along the long edges and press the seam open. Trim down to a piece 58in x 77in approx.

9 Cut the binding fabrics into seven (7) 2 in x WOF strips.


10 The boxed design in the quilt is created by sewing triangles together in a specific colour order. There are two different blocks in the quilt. Block 1 is made up of two 7 in triangles sewn together and there are forty-eight (48) of these blocks in the quilt. Block 2 is made up of three triangles sewn together and there are forty (40) of these blocks in the quilt. 11 Start by making all the Block 1s, by sewing 7 in triangles together as shown ( Fig 1). Pair up and sew together the following 7 in triangles. Trim each block to 7in square, lining up the 45 degree line on your ruler with the diagonal seam. Q Fabrics A and C – make twelve (12) HSTs. Q Fabrics B and D – make twelve (12) HSTs. Q Fabrics A and E – make twelve (12) HSTs. Q Fabrics B and F – make twelve (12) HSTs.

12 For Block 2, you will make a total of forty (40) blocks with four different colour arrangemen­ts. There will be ten (10) of each of the arrangemen­ts shown ( Fig 2).

13 To make Block 2, sew two (2) 5 in triangles together. Press the seams open and snip off the corners to help reduce bulk. Now sew this unit to a 7 in triangle ( Fig 3). Be very careful to follow the colour arrangemen­ts. Trim each block to 7in square, with the point where the two diagonal seams meet in the centre of the block.


14 Lay out all eighty-eight (88) blocks, in eleven (11) rows each with eight (8) blocks, as shown in the layout diagram, double-checking to make sure you have the correct colour order. Sew the blocks into rows, pressing the seams open. Now sew the rows together, pinning carefully at each junction to ensure the corner points match neatly. Press seams open as you go.


15 Make a quilt sandwich by laying the backing fabric right side down, with the batting on top and then the quilt, right side up. Fix the layers together with pins or spray adhesive. Quilt as desired. The quilt shown here was machine quilted in a spiral. Starting at your desired section, draw a circle using a light pencil or removable marker. Instead of joining the edges, carefully adjust an overlap the desired width measured from your walking foot. As you work your way around the spiral the curve will become more gradual. Stitch slowly, using the outside edge of your foot as the guide, stopping and reposition­ing the quilt when needed. 16 When all quilting is complete tidy all thread ends and then square up the quilt, trimming excess batting and backing fabric. Prepare the binding fabric by sewing the seven strips into one long strip using 45-degree seams. Fold in half along the length, wrong sides together, and press. Sew the binding to the quilt, mitring corners and then either hand or machine stitch the binding to the back of the quilt to finish.



1 From Fabric A cut:

Q Six (6) 2½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for twelve (12) triangles in total. Q Two (2) 1¾in x 53/ 8in strips. Q Two (2) 4¼in x 12 in strips.

2 From Fabric B cut three (3) 2½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for six (6) triangles in total. 3 From Fabric C cut: Q Two (2) 2½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for four (4) triangles in total (only three are needed). Q Two (2) 2in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for four (4) triangles in total (only three are needed). 4 From Fabric D cut: Q Two (2) 2½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for four (4) triangles in total (only three are needed). Q Two (2) 2in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for four (4) triangles in total (only three are needed).

5 From Fabric E cut three (3) 2½in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for six (6) triangles in total. 6 From Fabric F cut:

Q Three (3) 2in squares. Cut each square in half diagonally for six (6) triangles in total. Q Two (2) 2½in x 127/ 8in strips for border. Q Two (2) 2½in x 16¾in strips for border.

7 Cut the backing fabric in half (parallel to selvedge) and trim so you have two (2) pieces, each 16¾in x 13in.

8 From binding fabric, cut two (2) strips 2¼in x WOF.


9 Pair up and sew the 2½in triangles together as listed below and sew into HST units. Press open and trim each unit to 21/ 8in square. Q Fabrics A and C – make three (3) HSTs. Q Fabrics A and D – make three (3) HSTs. Q Fabrics A and B – make three (3) HSTs. Q Fabrics A and E – make three (3) HSTs. 10 The three-triangle units are made up of two different colour combinatio­ns: Fabrics B, C and F and Fabrics D, E and F. Follow step 13 on page 83 to sew these blocks together sewing the small 2in triangles together first before adding the larger 2½in triangle, and referring to the Layout Diagram for colour placement. You will need three units of each colour combinatio­n, for a total of six (6) units. Trim each unit is 21/ 8in square once sewn.

11 Sew the blocks together as shown in the layout diagram and press seams. Sew a 1¾in x 53/ 8in strip of Fabric A to either sides of the boxes unit. Now sew a 4¼in x 12 in strip of Fabric A to the top and bottom of the central unit. 12 Add a border of Fabric F strips, sewing the shorter strips to the sides and the longer strips to the top and bottom to finish the cushion top.


13 Make a quilt sandwich by laying the lining fabric right side down, the batting and the cushion top right side up. Baste with pins or spray adhesive. Quilt as desired. The cushion shown here was machine quilted in a spiral pattern. Trim off excess batting and lining fabric and square up the cushion to 16¾in.


14 On each of the backing pieces, turn under one long edge by ¼in, twice, and press. Topstitch along this edge on both pieces.

15 Place the cushion top right side down, then lay the two backing pieces on top with right sides up, aligning the raw edges and making sure the hemmed edges are overlappin­g in the centre. Pin and then baste the layers together around the outer edge. 16 Prepare the binding by sewing the binding strips together. Fold in half along the length, wrong sides together and press. Sew the binding to the cushion, as you would for a quilt, and either hand stitch or machine stitch to finish. Insert your cushion pad and enjoy!

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 ??  ?? This simple-to-piece quilt top is perfect for showcasing a collection of prints.
This simple-to-piece quilt top is perfect for showcasing a collection of prints.
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