Love Patchwork & Quilting


- BY KAREN LEWIS Karen Lewis Karen spends her days screen printing beautiful fabric and stitching up striking, modern quilts karenlewis­ karenlewis­textiles

Whip up a batch of Flying Geese units and piece together into strips to make North & South, Karen Lewis’ latest block in her Courthouse Steps BOM


⬛ Seam allowances are ¼in, unless otherwise noted.

⬛ Press seams open unless otherwise instructed.

⬛ Press all fabrics well before cutting.

⬛ RST = right sides together.

⬛ To achieve a scant ¼in seam, you can often simply adjust your machine needle one space to the right.


⬛ Print fabrics are from the Blueberry Park 3 collection by Karen Lewis textiles for Robert Kaufman.

⬛ White fabric is a Kona Cotton Solid, also by Robert Kaufman.


1 From the print fabric cut:

⬛ Two (2) 4¼in squares.

2 From the white fabric cut:

⬛ Eight (8) 23/ 8in squares.


3 Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of all your white squares. Arrange two of the squares RST with a print square, in opposite corners. The squares will overlap in the centre, with the marked lines going diagonally across the square. Sew either side of the line, using a scant ¼in seam (Fig 1).

4 Cut along the marked line and press the small triangles away from the large one on each unit (Fig 2). Place a background square in the corner of each unit, and sew either side of the line as before (Fig 3). 5 Cut along the marked line and press open to complete four Flying Geese units. Repeat steps 3–5 with the remaining print and white squares.

6 Arrange the Flying Geese units in two columns of four and sew together. Sew the two columns together to complete the block, carefully matching seams.

7 For the finished quilt, make a total of three dark blue, one green, two light blue and one yellow block.

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