Love Patchwork & Quilting




■ If you are using fabrics with a right and wrong side for the borders, you will need to cut two each of border pieces C, D and E in both colours. When cutting the angled edges, place the two pieces WST and cut, to achieve mirror image pieces.

■ Seam allowances are ¼in throughout, unless otherwise noted.

■ Press seams towards the darkest fabric.

■ WOF = width of fabric.

■ FPP = Foundation Paper Piecing.

■ HST = Half-square Triangle.

■ WST = wrong sides together.

■ For a tutorial on FPP, visit lovepatchw­orkandquil­

■ For templates, see p88.

■ Press fabrics well before cutting.

■ Quilted by Parm Gosselin.


■ Solid fabrics from the Bella Solids collection by Moda Essentials are Robins Egg Blue, Sisters Pink, Crocus, Freesia, Stone, Kansas Red, Clementine, Amelia Orange, Popsicle, Tea Rose and Spearmint.

■ Solid fabrics from the Tula Pink Designer Essentials collection for FreeSpirit Fabrics are Glacier, Sweet Pea, Julep and Putty. ■ Yellow solid is a Kona Cotton Solid in Highlight by Robert Kaufman.


1 From the dark blue fabric cut:

■ One (1) 2½in x 3½in piece. Press from corner to corner (A) (Fig A).

■ One (1) 3½in x 12¼in piece (B).

■ Use the Bottom Flair FPP templates to cut fabric pieces for the dark blue sections.

■ One (1) 18¾in x 11¼in piece for the side border (C).

■ One (1) 11¼in x 35in piece for the side border (D).

■ Two (2) 10½in x 26in pieces for the top and bottom borders (E).

2 From the light blue fabric cut:

■ One (1) 2½in x 3½in piece. Press from corner to corner (A) (Fig A).

■ One (1) 3½in x 12¼in piece (B).

■ Use the Bottom Flair FPP templates to cut fabric pieces for the light blue sections.

■ One (1) 18¾in x 11¼in piece for the side border (C).

■ One (1) 11¼in x 35in piece for the side border (D).

■ Two (2) 10½in x 26in pieces for the top and bottom borders (E).

3 From the light pink fabric cut:

■ Three (3) 1in x 3½in pieces (F).

■ One (1) 1in x 4in piece (G).

■ One (1) 3¼in x 4¾in piece (H).

■ One (1) 1¼in x 5in piece (I).

■ Two (2) 1½in x 4½in pieces (J).

■ One (1) 1½in x 28in piece (K).

■ Two (2) 1½in x 2½in pieces (L).

■ One (1) 2½in x 3½in piece (M).

■ Two (2) 1½in x 3in pieces (N).

■ One (1) 1½in x 2¾in piece (O).

■ Two (2) 1½in x 20in pieces (P).

■ Two (2) 3½in x 16in pieces (Q).

■ Use the Pause and Triangle Button FPP templates to cut pieces for the pink sections.

■ Eight (8) 1¼in x WOF strips. Subcut into two hundred and eight (208) 1¼in x 1½in pieces (R).

■ Fifteen (15) 1in x 20¾in pieces (S).

■ One (1) 2in x 28in piece (T).

■ Two (2) 2½in x 20¾in pieces (U).

■ One (1) 2½in x 28in piece (V).

■ One (1) 1½in x 4in piece (TT).

4 From the hot pink fabric cut:

■ Two (2) 1½in squares (W).

■ Five (5) 3½in x 3¾in pieces (X).

■ One (1) 1½in x 24in piece (Y).

■ Three (3) 1¼in x WOF strips. Subcut into eighty (80) 1¼in x 1½in pieces (Z).

■ One (1) 3in x 28in piece (AA).

5 From the purple fabric cut:

■ Four (4) 1in x 3½in pieces (BB).

■ Five (5) 1in x 4¾in pieces (CC).

■ Six (6) 1¼in x WOF strips. Subcut into one hundred and forty four (144) 1¼in x 1½in pieces (DD).


From the yellow fabric cut:

■ Four (4) 1½in x 2½in pieces (EE).

■ Two (2) 2in x 17in pieces (FF).

■ Two (2) 3in x 13in pieces (GG).

■ Seven (7) 2½in x WOF strips for binding.


From the dark grey fabric cut:

■ One (1) 1½in x 13in piece (HH).

■ Two (2) 2in x 2½in pieces (II).


From the light green fabric cut:

■ One (1) 2in x 15in piece (JJ).

■ One (1) 2½in x 15in piece (KK).

■ Two (2) 3in x 3½in pieces (LL).


From the brown fabric cut:

■ Two (2) 3in squares (MM).


From the light mauve fabric cut:

■ Two (2) 1½in squares (NN).

■ Seven (7) 1½in x 3½in pieces (OO).


From the dark red fabric cut:

■ One (1) 3½in x 3¾in piece (PP).

■ Two (2) 1½in squares (QQ).

■ Use the Pause and Triangle Button FPP templates to cut fabric pieces for the red FPP sections.


From the dark green fabric cut:

■ One (1) 1½in x 13in piece (RR).

■ Two (2) 1½in x 6½in pieces (SS).



Refer to Fig 1 on the following page for placement throughout. Place the light mauve NN and hot pink W squares RST and draw a line from corner to corner on the reverse of one. Sew along the marked line. Trim a ¼in seam allowance and press open. Make two light mauve/hot pink HSTs. Join a HST to either end of the hot pink Y strip to make the underside of the handle.


Lay the pressed light blue A piece on the bottom right-hand side of the dark blue B strip, so it covers the corner (Fig B). Carefully unfold and sew along the pressed line (Fig C). Trim the excess fabric, leaving a ¼in seam allowance (Fig D). Press open. Repeat to sew the dark blue A piece to the opposite corner of the light blue B strip. Sew the two joined pieces together along the short edges, then join a light mauve OO strip to either side.

15 Join the unit from step 13 to the top of the unit from step 14. Add a light pink J strip to either side, then join the light pink K strip to the top edge to complete the handle unit.

16 Sew a light mauve OO piece to the top of every hot pink X piece. Repeat with the light red 1 in x 3 in strip and dark red PP piece. Join into a row with the purple CC strips in between each unit, with the red unit on the right. Add a light pink H piece to the left side of the pieced row.

17 Join the four purple BB pieces and three light pink F pieces together along the long edges, alternatin­g the colours. Press and add a light pink G piece to the left side. Then join a light pink TT piece to the right side, and a light pink I piece to the top.

18 Join the unit from step 17 to the right side of the unit from step 16. Press, then sew the unit to the bottom of the handle unit from step 15.


19 Refer to Fig 2 for placement throughout. Foundation Paper Piece the Pause and Triangle Button FPP templates, using the light pink and red pieces you cut previously. Sew together, in the order Pause FPP, light pink N piece, red QQ piece, light pink L piece, two Triangle Button FPP, light pink O piece, two Triangle FPP, light pink L piece, one Triangle FPP piece, light pink N piece and red QQ piece.

20 Join the light pink P pieces either side, along the long edges, then sew the light pink M piece to the right to complete the button panel.

21 Sew the two orange pieces together along the long edges. Then add a brown MM piece either side. Sew the light green LL pieces either side and press. Join the light green JJ piece to the top, and KK piece to the bottom. Then add the dark green SS pieces either side.

22 Join a dark grey II piece either side of the light grey strip. Then join a yellow EE piece either side of the dark grey HH piece. Press the seams and sew the two joined strips together. Add a yellow FF piece to the top. Then add to the top of the unit from step 21.

23 Sew the remaining yellow EE pieces to either side of the dark green RR piece. Add the remaining yellow FF piece to the bottom and join to the bottom of the unit from step 22.

24 Join a yellow GG strip either side of the joined unit, then sew the unit to the button panel from step 20. Sew the light pink Q pieces either side to complete the cassette block.


25 Refer to Fig 3 for placement throughout. Arrange the light pink R, hot pink Z and purple DD pieces into sixteen columns of twenty seven, as shown. Join into strips. Sew the pieced strips together, with a light pink S strip in between each one.

26 Join a light pink U piece either side, then sew the T piece to the top and the V piece to the bottom. Press.

27 Foundation Paper Piece the two Bottom Flair FPP pieces using the fabrics you cut previously. Join these either side of the hot pink AA piece, and sew to the bottom of the unit from step 26.

28 Sew the handle and buttons to the top of the cassette block. Then join the speaker to the bottom of the cassette block to complete the quilt centre.


29 Place the light blue and dark blue C pieces on top of each other, both right side up, with the long edges running lengthwise along your cutting mat. Measure 2¾in from the left edge, and mark along the top. Measure 9¼in from the left edge and mark along the bottom. Draw a diagonal line to join the two marks and cut along this mark (Fig 4). See the Notes section for working with fabrics that have a wrong side.

30 Swap the pieces to pair one light blue and dark blue of each C piece together.

Sew with a scant ¼in seam and press open. Be careful to sew so you have two mirror image units as shown (Fig 5).

31 Repeat the steps 29–30, marking 15½in and 9¼in from the left of the D pieces. Sew the pieced D sections to the C sections, referring to Fig 6, to make the side borders. Sew the borders to the sides of the quilt, carefully centring. Trim the borders even with the top and bottom edges of the quilt.

32 Place one light blue and one dark blue E piece on top of each other, both right side down. Place the remaining two E pieces on top, both right side up. Mark and cut, as in step 29, measuring 12½in and 6½in from the left edge. Sew the pieces together using a scant ¼in seam as shown in Fig 7 to complete the top and bottom borders.

33 Sew the borders to the top and bottom, matching seams. Trim to 48½in x 68½in.


34 Cut the backing fabric in half across the width. Remove the selvedges and sew the two pieces together using a ½in seam. Press the seam open.

35 Press the quilt top and backing well. Make a quilt sandwich by placing the backing fabric right side down, the batting on top, then place the quilt top centrally and right side up. Baste the layers together using your preferred method.

36 Quilt as desired. Parm quilted with Quilts Complete, Diagonal Plaid Bias Paper Pantograph. Trim off excess batting and backing fabric and square up the quilt.

37 Sew the binding strips together end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press seams open. Fold in half lengthways, wrong sides together, and press. Sew the binding to the right side of the quilt, creating a neat mitre at each corner. Fold the binding over to the back of the quilt and hand stitch in place to finish.

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