Love Patchwork & Quilting


We talk to Sandy of Thai Charm LLC about her quilting journey, advice for long arm quilting beginners and more…

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How H did you first get g into quilting?

Curiosity. C My mom needed n something to t do when she first moved m to the States from Thailand. She had some garment sewingi experience, so my motherin- law introduced her to quilting. The only problem was the language barrier, as my mom doesn't speak English, so at first I was just there as a translator for her and had no interest in it myself. I had no idea what quilting was, and I had to Google everything she asked me about quilting. I didn’t like waiting to find answers, I felt like I wanted to be able to answer things as soon as she asked. So, I learned to quilt. (I’ve always been an impatient person!) I made my first quilt not knowing what a ¼ in seam allowance was. Now quilting brings me so much joy! Funny how it worked out.

What’s your all-time favourite quilt block?

This is a tough one for me to pick. I love a lot of traditiona­l blocks, but if I have to pick just one… it would be the Log Cabin block.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from quilting?

Have fun with it! I believe that anything is possible if you enjoy doing it. That enjoyment of a hobby often also opens up even more opportunit­ies to try something new. One thing I love about quilting is that there will always be countless new things to learn, as long as we create.

What advice would you give to a long arm quilting newbie?

Practice. Practice. Practice. Every quilt has a story behind it, and we’re helping others bring that story to life. Take your time, find your match (in terms of quilting design) and quilt it like you would your own quilt – or better.

What kind of long arm quilting designs do you like the most?

I love the Graffiti quilting design by Karlee Porter. It is overall a computeriz­ed design, but it still gives you the custom looks.

What projects have you been working on recently?

Curves. I’ve been sewing a lot of half circle blocks and inset circle blocks lately. It’s very satisfying to see those curves turn out perfectly.

What fun things can we expect from you in the future?

I am obsessed with wearable art at the moment, so I’ve been playing around with simple tops and dresses that have been embellishe­d with quilt blocks and some hand quilting. Hopefully I can share those online soon.

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