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Stock watch

Clem Chambers, CEO of ADVFN, the leading stocks & shares website


It’s a sign of getting old when numbers start seeming too large to be sensible. As a child, newspaper headlines had numbers in the hundreds of thousands. Then it took millions to make it as headline news. Then billions were the order of significan­t significan­ce. Finally the dial has turned towards trillions.

Many expect Apple to be the first US trillion dollar enterprise. Apple only needs to rise another third for its market capitalisa­tion to hit the 12 zero scale – up to $165-175 a share from its current $125.

The trouble is, that’s about half the price of the Apple Watch for every man, woman and child on Earth. So Apple really does have an astronomic­al valuation – to compare it you have to be thinking on a planetary level.

The Watch has just burst onto the market, but whether this will be the catalyst to get Apple to the trillion is another matter. However, it has the belief of Planet Earth’s leading stock market behind it…

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