Mac Format

How we tested



We’ve been RSS addicts for a long time, and we’ve used a variety of desktop, web and iOS apps to manage our feeds. Our current online aggregator is Feedly, which we use to organise our feeds in folders and to sync across multiple platforms – so if we use the ReadKit app to read via Feedly on our Mac, Feedly then updates its own app on iOS. That’s handy if your desktop app lacks an iOS companion.

We subscribed our apps to Feedly where possible and we added subscripti­ons manually via search or URL where appropriat­e. If a newsreader supported OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language), we imported subscripti­ons that way.

We focussed on four key areas: how easy it was to add RSS feeds, how quickly and easily we could find our way around the app, what sharing and synchronis­ation options were available and, most importantl­y of all, how much personalis­ation each app offered. We use RSS to tame informatio­n overload, and having a consistent, customisab­le interface makes a huge difference to how much informatio­n you can process and how quickly you can process it.

 ??  ?? Consistent formatting is vital if you use multiple feed sources.
Consistent formatting is vital if you use multiple feed sources.

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