Mac Format

Software quick-fire questions


How secure are collaborat­ion services like Slack?

> Slack and other collaborat­ive working services are based on IRC, which can be secured, and can be run through a VPN service. However, your chats are stored on remote servers which may be vulnerable to attack and legal means of obtaining their content. For better privacy and security, use end-to-end encrypted group messaging instead.

Does Console have a memory leak?

> While Console is open, it collects all fresh log entries, and over time these grow to consume lots of memory. Quit the app when it’s not in use, as eventually it can even slow your Mac down. Instead use my free utility Consolatio­n to browse past log entries.

How to remove Office 2011 after upgrading to 365?

> You don’t have to remove the old version, as it will co-exist if you can cope with updates to both. Drag the Microsoft Office 2011 folder from Applicatio­ns to the Trash and empty. This leaves debris in Library folders, such as old preference files, but frees up the great majority of the storage space which it occupies.

How can I check and repair a Photos library?

> Ensure it’s backed up properly. Open a new window in the Finder, navigate to Applicatio­ns, and locate the Photos app. Holding down the and keys, double-click the app icon and it will open, offering to repair the current default library. To change library, first double-click with the key held, select the new default library, quit, then repair that.

How can I report a problem with Safari?

> Apple only gives registered developers access to its Radar bug reporting system. If you encounter a problem which could be a bug, contacting Apple Support is the only way.

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