Mac Format

Test 4 Extra features

What else is on offer?


D-Link’s Omna is the only camera here to support Apple’s HomeKit, so you can control it with the HomePod speaker, and link it to other HomeKit devices. Logitech is promising a software update that will provide HomeKit support for the Circle 2… The Nest Cam IQ records video at 1920x1080, but actually has a 4K video sensor, which gives it the ability to zoom in and track movement. The Netgear Arlo Pro is the only wire-free portable camera in this group – although Logitech does sell a separate wire-free version of the Circle 2 for £200.

As mentioned above, the Netatmo doesn’t offer online storage, but its app can link to a Dropbox account, allowing you to store video online. And, completely off-topic, the Nokia Welcome can also act as an air-quality monitor, making it a good option in places such as a child’s bedroom.

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