Mac Format

Retrobatch Pro

Batch process images fast

- JR Boo kwalter

$49.99 (about £40) FROM Flying Meat, NEEDS macOS 10.12 or later

Retrobatch takes a node-based approach to batch image processing. You add only what’s needed, tweaking parameters inside the nodes, then checking a preview of the results before running a workflow.

Nodes are selected from 13 different categories in the sidebar including Colour Adjustment, Blur, Metadata and Watermark. There are 62 nodes in total, 15 of which are exclusive to the Pro version. (It’s $29.99, about £23, for the Regular version.)

Workflows start with nodes from Read Images – which can be single files, entire folders, the current clipboard, or your Photos library – and end with nodes from Write Images, typically a destinatio­n folder.

In between, you can drag and drop (or double-click to select) processing nodes to convert, transform, and add effects or watermarks. You can even apply machine learning rules.

This makes Retrobatch incredibly powerful yet easy to use. Best of all, tasks like wiping sensitive metadata before sharing to social media is performed without recompress­ing image data, so processing is fast and of the highest calibre.

The Pro version provides AppleScrip­t support, and the ability to send processed images to other apps and create PDF or layered PSD files from multiple images.

 ??  ?? Retrobatch’s nodes make it a powerful, customisab­le tool.
Retrobatch’s nodes make it a powerful, customisab­le tool.

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