Mac Format

How to leave your iPhone behind


Away for a long period? You can ask Apple to deactivate your account

QI’m going overseas where I can’t use or take my iPhone. Will my iCloud account lapse while I’m not using it? Is there anything else I should do to care for my iPhone while it’s out of use? by anonymous

AAs far as we can tell, Apple doesn’t disable an iCloud account unless you instruct it to explicitly (or break its terms and conditions). Even if you’re away for six months or more, when you return you shouldn’t find that your account has been archived, removed or made inaccessib­le.

When you are sure that you won’t be able to access your account for several months, and want the peace of mind in knowing that no one else will be able to access it either, you can ask Apple to temporaril­y deactivate it. The snag is that you’ll then be unable to access anything associated with your Apple ID until Apple reactivate­s your account upon your request. In addition to that, email sent to your, or email address and iMessages to your Apple ID will not be delivered to you.

So, you must be certain that you won’t want to use your iPhone for a couple of weeks in the middle of that period. If you’re absolutely sure you want to proceed, start the process at

Also, ensure your iPhone’s battery is cared for. Apple says to store the device at around 50% charge, powered down, in a cool, moisture-free place between 10-30˚C. Every six months, it should be charged back up to 50%. Avoid leaving it at 100% charge or you risk a slow fall in maximum charge capacity.

 ??  ?? Use Apple’s Privacy site to deactivate or delete your Apple ID, as well as to check your private data.
Use Apple’s Privacy site to deactivate or delete your Apple ID, as well as to check your private data.

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