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Apple in quotes

All the latest talk from Apple, including Tim Cook’s recent privacy remarks


Our own informatio­n, from the everyday to the deeply personal, is being weaponised against us. Tim Cook, Apple CEO The Apple chief warns against the trade in personal informatio­n and the desire to put profits over privacy

Algorithms that promised to improve our lives can… magnify our worst… tendencies. ” Be wary of giving up private info for some promised positive outcome

At Apple, we are optimistic about technology’s awesome potential for good. ” Despite privacy threats, Apple remains optimistic about technology

In the news… we bear witness to the harmful… effects of these narrowed world views. ” Using data to divide people can have (and has had) terrible consequenc­es

There has literally never been a better idea for a gaming device.” Phil Schiller, Senior VP The iPad’s great power and display make it ideal for gaming

It’s not a feature list comparison. It’s all about the experience.” Tom Boger, Marketing Director Apple doesn’t just throw any old ideas at its products

You typically only see this kind of performanc­e in bigger machines… [those] with fans.” Anand Shimpi, Senior Engineer Apple senior engineer says iPad Pro’s performanc­e is a marvel

[It’s important] that you change something not to make it different but to make it better.” Jony Ive, Chief Design Officer Apple’s top designer on how the company redesigns a product

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