Mac Format

Quick-fire questions


How to get BT Cloud working in Big Sur?

> Like other BT online services, its cloud service works best with PCs, and doesn’t integrate well with Macs. Unless you have a specific need for it, make the most of iCloud and third-party cloud services such as Dropbox which integrate better.

Can I run less-used apps from my iCloud Drive?

> Yes, it’s easy to store and run them there if you prefer. macOS manages this by making a local copy when needed. But if that app has been ‘evicted’ to iCloud, you’ll have to wait for it to download before it can run, which could take time. Also beware that apps storing data in iCloud could slow that more.

How to see iCloud Drive for both my accounts?

> Apple’s iCloud services are aimed at individual users and families, not at business. Although you can create multiple Apple IDs, each with its own iCloud Drive, macOS can only connect to a single Apple ID at a time as its primary user, and only shows that user’s iCloud Drive. You can access a second account’s iCloud services, by logging into that account at iCloud. com, however, that can’t put that second iCloud Drive into the Finder.

Can I let all my network devices use DHCP?

> Although there’s no reason that you can’t, DHCP works best for devices such as laptops and iPhones which visit your network rather than live on it full time. Fixed devices including networked storage (NAS), desktop computers and printers are best assigned a fixed IP address. This saves them having to renew leases, which can change their IP address, and makes it easier to trace problems. Configure a block of static addresses in the DHCP section of your router’s setup pages to allow this.

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