
How to Create and edit an iMovie slideshow


Create an album

In Photos, tap Albums and then the + at the top of the screen. Give the album a name. Tap Save then navigate to the photos you want to add. Tap a photo to add it, then navigate to the next one. Tap Done when you’re finished.

Create a slideshow

Launch iMovie and tap Movie. Tap Create Movie at the bottom of the screen. Then tap the + at the left of the screen to add a photo. Tap Albums, then the album you just created. Tap a photo to add it to the slideshow.

Add more photos

The photo you added is now on iMovie’s timeline. To add another, tap the + again and repeat the process. Repeat as needed until all the photos you want in your slideshow are on the timeline in iMovie.

Change the order

If the photos are in the order you want them to play, great. If not, tap and hold on one until it “pops,” then drag it to where you want it on the timeline. Repeat until all the photos are in the right order.

Change transition­s

By default, iMovie puts a onesecond dissolve between photos. To change it, tap the transition icon between two photos, then choose a transition and length from the menu. Repeat for each transition you want to change.

”Ken Burns” effect

Tap on the photo you want to customize; the “Ken Burns” controls are at the bottom right of the image. Tap the start button and drag the image to where you want it at the start. Do the same with the end button. Tap the timeline to finish.

Add a song

In the Media Browser, tap Audio, choose from Albums, Artists, or Songs, and navigate to the song you want to add. If the track is in iCloud, you’ll be prompted to go to the Music app and download it first.

Add sound effects

In the Media library, tap Sound Effects and scroll through the list of effects until you find the one that you want to add. Tap Use and then drag it onto the photo in the timeline where you want it to play.

Add titles

Tap the photo in the timeline you want to add titles to (usually the first one), then tap the T at the bottom of the screen. Tap a style, then tap the placeholde­r in the viewer and type in the text for the title.

Add a filter

Tap the photo in the timeline to which you want to add the filter. Tap Filters at the bottom of the screen and tap a filter to preview. If you don’t like it, try another. When you find one you like, tap the timeline to apply it.

Add a project filter

Instead of adding filters to photos, you can add one to the entire slideshow. Tap the settings cog at the top of the screen and choose the filter you want. Optionally, turn on the “Fade in from black” and “Fade out to black” filters.

Export slideshow

When you’re finished editing, tap Done and then tap the share button at the bottom of the screen. Choose where you want to share it. For YouTube, tap the icon then log in to your account and fill in the options form then Share.

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