
Softorino YouTube Converter 2

From YouTube to your device


$19.95 From Softorino, Needs OS X 10.10 or later, iOS 5 or later When it comes to saving YouTube content to iOS devices, few apps do it as eloquently as this one. Copy a web address and this one-click Mac app downloads, converts, and imports videos to your iPhone or iPad. And that’s merely the opening act.

With YouTube Converter 2, iOS devices no longer need to be tethered by a cable — the whole process can now happen over Wi-Fi, with no impact on transfer speed. The software is four times faster than before, with support for 4K, high frame rate, and even VR, 360-degree videos.

Although the first version could download from a few other sites like Vimeo, SYC 2 handles over 30, including Vevo, Bandcamp, and Discovery Channel. By enabling a preference, downloads also include subtitles when available.

Creating ringtones with one click is another killer feature, with a few caveats. You can choose an entire song or only the first 30 seconds, but there’s no way to trim to your favorite section.

The bottom line. Bugs aside, a must-have utility for all iOS users. J.R. Bookwalter

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