
Cheat sheet: Safari

Discover features that give you a smoother experience on the web

- Alan Stonebridg­e

On the surface, your Mac’s built-in web browser looks much like any other. It has a dual-purpose bar for entering the address of a website or page, or terms you want to search for, and a tab bar for all the pages you have open. Yet it packs in many useful tricks for easier browsing.

Before we move on to those, let’s talk about a couple of shortcuts that are really helpful. First, rather than reaching for your mouse or trackpad to click in the search bar, press ç+l instead. This moves the input focus to the bar.

Second, as you’ll see on the opposite page, typing in the search field displays various kinds of suggestion­s. Quickly move down them a category at a time by using ç+æ. In fact, this also works in the results presented by macOS’s Spotlight feature.

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