Mercury (Hobart)

Pulp mill bidders yet to be revealed


ALMOST seven weeks after bids closed, receivers have yet to identify a preferred bidder for the Bell Bay pulp mill site and the State and Commonweal­th government permits for the former Gunns pulp mill.

KordaMenth­a has at least one bid for 550ha of land at Bell Bay and also has at least one bid from a separate party for a package of the land and the pulp mill permits.

Finals bids were lodged with advisers Moelis and company on May 30.

KordaMenth­a spokesman Michael Smith said it was agnostic about whether a pulp mill went ahead but was charged with finding the best outcome for secured creditors — whether it be land alone or land and permits.

It is understood there were no Australian bids for the pulp mill permits which cost Gunns about $220 million to obtain.

“Once a preferred bidder is identified it will not take long for a contract of sale to be finalised,” Mr Smith said.

Much of the feedstock for a pulp mill is controlled by timberland investment company New Forests, which has previously expressed a desire to remain focused on exporting woodchips to markets China, Japan and India.

New Forests has a subsidiary called Forico which has spent $10 million on a woodchip mill near Hampshire and directly and indirectly employs about 150 people.


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