Mercury (Hobart)

Clarity needed on Odeon plan

- Dale Greenland Hobart Nick Stilwell Hobart

I SUPPORT the new cultural district vision that DarkLab and Riverlee revealed recently ( Mercury, May 31) for the Odeon Theatre and the city block that surrounds it. But its important for readers to know that the new vision is not what aldermen are being asked to make a decision on at the council meeting on Monday. At the next council meeting I am being asked to extend the permit for the developmen­t approved two years ago. This permit gives the green light to the demolition of the much-loved Odeon Theatre, retaining only the facade. Plus the constructi­on of a bulky office block building that blocks the sun and creates a wind tunnel in upper Liverpool St.

The Riverlee developmen­t company said in the Mercury article that if the cultural district vision doesn’t turn out to be viable, it will be this old developmen­t proposal that they will fall back on. This is why I am concerned about approving the permit extension, if the vision doesn’t succeed for a range of reasons, then this is what we get. Under planning laws the developers have to submit a new developmen­t applicatio­n for their cultural district plans anyway, because it's a completely new proposal — that's just the law. So Riverlee, why not show Hobartians that your cultural district plans for this site is really the one you are committed to — let the Odeon demolition permit lapse and come back to us with the amazing vision you are spruiking. should go straight to the heart of every Tasmanian for a strong reconcilia­tion body in this state to acknowledg­e the Tasmanian Aboriginal community. I believe it only right and proper that Aboriginal people should have a constituti­onally enshrined indigenous advisory body and commission for treaty negotiatio­ns I strongly believe also it is every Australian’s moral principals to make this happen.

Equal at law

AS a matter of principle and policy the Australian Constituti­on should be free of any reference to any race, tribe, colour, mob, or ethnic, national, or language group. Similarly there should be no reference to any religion, sect, creed, football club, or sexual preference, as any specific mention automatica­lly involves exclusion of others. We should all be equal before the law and the constituti­on, with no shrill group mentioned or favoured.

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