Mercury (Hobart)

Many concerns about proposal


- Raymond Harvey Claremont Chris Davey Lindisfarn­e

EUTHANASIA has absolutely nothing to do with social justice. It’s not as if we live in an ideal world in which people do no wrong. The elderly sick person is not in a position to make the decision. Mark Brown of the Tasmanian Christian Lobby has raised similar concerns to my own. Furthermor­e, I have not been polled, so are we to trust what Lara Giddings and Cassy O’Connor say on this? There are many ways to act compassion­ately, but neither of those women were listening when in government. ation,why? Because they do not work and they know that they are more likely to die from the treatment than the cancer. Doctors declared that they would go to Mexico or better still Germany where alternativ­e cancer treatment is almost the norm. The Amish sect in the US only use alternativ­e practice. The medical profession has one aim, to keep you alive as long as possible and to feed you as much drugs as possible, after all it is the pharmaceut­ical companies who own the medical profession.

Two rules

FINANCE Minister Cormann once again has promulgate­d an intention to extend the retirement age to 70. Should this policy pass, then politician­s must not be entitled to their overgenero­us pensions until 70. We all know who the heavy lifters are and it’s certainly not the politician­s.

Good police work

“POLICE chivalry selfie goes viral” ( Mercury, May 30) is an absolute accolade to the officers involved in their decisionma­king process and Tasmania Police training initiative­s.

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