Mercury (Hobart)

Holidays no cure for congestion

- Marie Archer Taranna Guy Barnett Minister for Resources Chris Wall Berriedale Peter Scully Sandy Bay

HOBART City Council madness has commenced again. On Monday, the first day of school holidays, Murray Street was reduced to only one lane during all peak hours in the main city block. HCC traffic engineers in their wisdom declare that Hobart city does not have any traffic congestion at all in morning and afternoon peak-hour times during school holidays. What a load of crap. Hobart has one of the worst traffic congestion problems in Australia which has been recently reported and they suggest we don’t have any peakhour traffic in Murray Street in school holidays.

Open your eyes traffic engineers and have a look, you may be surprised to find we do have peak-hour traffic. Even on local radio stations traffic reports after 5pm suggest that Murray Street is very slow and congested in these times. Like last school holidays, peak-hour times especially at night, no one is there and the barriers are basically blocking an empty lane. Maybe if it does get quiet, the reason is because people are sick of the ridiculous congestion and heading to one of the suburban shopping centres instead. You would not have this happening in any other capital cities. Who is running this place? Answer: the developer.

Get it done

AS a socially-liberal, centrist voter I am really sick of all the argy bargy about gay marriage. Most Western countries, including Catholic Ireland, now have same-sex marriage. Civilisati­on has not imploded and heterosexu­al marriage has not been affected. Get on with it Malcolm. Forget the expensive plebiscite. Have a conscience vote in Parliament and put this issue to bed. It’s becoming bloody boring.

Forest job first

IN his misleading contributi­on (Talking Point, July 10), Lyndon Schneiders of the Wilderness Society disingenuo­usly neglected to mention that at the same time he was promoting the so-called peace deal, the Wilderness Society was in Poland lobbying the World Heritage Committee to lock up Tasmanian forests that they had previously agreed to being harvested under that job-destroying deal. This type of moving of the goalposts is typical of the Green movement and it is disappoint­ing but not surprising that Labor are happy for the Wilderness Society to speak on their behalf and dictate which forests can be harvested in Tasmania. Not content with destroying two out of every three jobs in the industry and putting Forestry Tasmania (now Sustainabl­e Timber Tasmania) in a position where the LaborGreen Government had to hand it $25 million in public money a year to keep it afloat, the Wilderness Society now wants more lockups and an end to all harvesting of Tasmania’s native timbers. The Hodgman Liberal Government has been absolutely steadfast in our support for unlocking production forests to create jobs and that has been welcomed by the small sawmillers and special timbers workers who Mr Schneiders and Labor arrogantly refer to as “no-one”.

Poets’ corner

MR Walsh’s hotel and casino. is his Mona version of Reno. With a penthouse or two, to take in the view. Along with a glass of his vino.

Reaching for rhyme

NOW Katrine does not like our Tony, With that she’s not aloney, But is Malcolm much better, I think to a letter He’s just all bull and baloney.

Dump the Donald

SINCE the US chose President Trump Its world standing has dropped with a thump. It should, no, not maybe, Impeach this man-baby, A disaster the US must dump.

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