Mercury (Hobart)

Ideal chance to Bend your ear


MELBOURNEB­ASED five-piece Drown This City are set to conclude their national tour by playing a torrent of tunes in Tasmania this weekend.

The female-fronted metal masters are performing alongside Launceston lads Save The Clock Tower at both ends of the state.

Drown This City started out as an electronic dance music project, but guitarist Laurence Appleby said they “quickly evolved” into the heavy band fans have become familiar with.

Their first EP, False Idols, was released last year, and Appleby said the response to it was incredible.

“It’s been fantastic, we’ve had such a great response from our first ever EP,’’ he said. “From that EP we’ve got some amazing opportunit­ies, playing UNIFY, going on tour with Falling In Reverse, and now this as well.”

They are now about to wrap up a national tour showing off their latest single, Bend/Break, which Appleby said had been even better received.

Having taken their show across the country, Appleby hopes Tasmania will prove the perfect note to end on.

“This is actually the first time we’re heading over to Tassie,’’ he said.

“For me personally I’ve never been there at all. I can’t wait. I’ve heard so many great things about Tassie.

“Apparently it’s a beautiful part of the country, and we’re so keen to not only play but also just to go for a little drive and explore around the island as well.”

The next step for Drown This City after the tour is a closely guarded secret.

“There’s some things in the works to look forward to, but I can’t really say too much right now,” Appleby said.

Drown This City and Save the Clock Tower are playing an 18+ gig at the Brisbane Hotel in Hobart from 9pm tomorrow.

They then play together at Club 54 in Launceston from 8pm on Saturday.

Tickets are available from


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