Mercury (Hobart)

Beware PC brigade on the march

- Robin Banks Mount Nelson Robert Rodway East Risdon Ray Wakefield Claremont Jack Bennett Carlton

CRIES of invasion etc appears to dominate the thinking of many who agitate about Australia Day and colonialis­m generally. What is never acknowledg­ed are the benefits all of us enjoy from living in modern Australia compared with living conditions here 300 years ago. It is obvious Australia was going to be colonised in the 1700s as many other countries around the world were. Maybe the British were not the kindest of souls but they do look better than the Spanish, Dutch, French and others, so Australia experience­d the best of a bad lot. The attitudes and actions of all colonisers to native inhabitant­s was superior and unacceptab­le by current standards but to blame Australian­s today for what happened 200 years ago is playing politics, particular­ly when such a large percentage have emigrated from overseas so do not have their roots firmly planted here yet. It is hard to avoid the feeling that much of the current rage is being generated for power play. In this context, it seems naive to think changing the date of Australia Day, removing “offending” statues and monuments etc will change attitudes and achieve reconcilia­tion. employment, Medicare, veteranss affairs, superannua­tion, workers’ compensati­on and family law. No further changes are needed. Change to the Marriage Act will not change how other laws apply to marriage and other relationsh­ips. The change could be achieved with not much more than changing the words “man and a woman” to “two people”. The Marriage Act already states “nothing in this [Act] … imposes an obligation on a ... minister of religion to solemnise any marriage” (s47). There are several procedural changes needed, including to ensure defence force members have access to secular military celebrants. Claims about the impact of a federal government decision to legalise marriage between two consenting adults add nothing to the current community discussion, other than raising false fears.

Keep the date

THE reason for changing the date of Australia Day is childish, concocted nonsense by a minority group of critics. more bloody greed. One of these days people will learn that you can’t eat money.

Waste of money

A recent news item about a voluntary organisati­on raising $140,000 for research and programs for children with cancer also pointed out the potential difference this sum would make to the lives of many such kids. Mr Turnbull and the Liberal Party should be ashamed of their dogged political insistence on a postal survey costing well over $100 million when we consider the difference that such an amount could make if it was directed to any of many deserving areas such as children with cancer.

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