Mercury (Hobart)

First pass the classroom test

- Harry Stanton Sandy Bay IN TUNE: Teachers need special skills to work with students.

IT is pleasing to read ( Mercury, September 1) that teacher graduates will have to pass a new test designed to assess their ability to handle the classroom environmen­t. It has been obvious for many years that such an evaluation is necessary. Ever since the education of teachers was removed from the schools and teaching colleges and taken over by university schools of education, emphasis has been directed away from the practical tasks of managing a classroom to content of a far more abstract nature. As a result, teacher graduates were ill prepared for the reality of a classroom where educationa­l theory was of little help in managing student behaviour. Hopefully the new test will place considerab­le emphasis on the practical skills of classroom management as well as also evaluating more academic learning.

Actions of love

I SAW the knitting nannies at the office of Senator Eric Abetz, protesting against the Government’s inhumane treatment plans for vulnerable refugees, those people sent to Australia from Manus and Nauru for medical treatment, not subsequent­ly being allowed to work, and now being evicted from their homes, without jobs and without income. The most profound lesson Jesus taught His followers was to care for the sick, the poor, the lonely, and the destitute. The nannies are seeking to remind our Government to do this. In that respect, they are “being the hands of Jesus” even if they don’t believe in Him. By contrast, many in our Government, and some who support their policies, proclaim their faith by opposing same-sex marriage but fail Jesus in the message He gave us to share — love and care for others, family, friends, neighbours and enemies. And love requires action. end when you could have a great holiday. The other day, coming from the Holman Clinic, I was stunned to see hospital employees sending plumes of smoke into the ether. Surely working there, where one sees what smoking does to patients, it would put you off for life.

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