Mercury (Hobart)

Drivers must obey laws

- Di Manser Austins Ferry Samuel Green Sandy Bay Jill Nolan South Hobart

WITH all the hype about the new regulation­s for motorists regarding cyclists, there are plenty of cyclists, including me, who regularly ride the intercity bike track. At road junctions where the motorist has the right of way, the number of motorists who stop to let cyclists go across is increasing and we see so many near accidents as the motorist fails to check the traffic behind them. We, as cyclists, are doing the right thing, can the motorists also obey the law!

Hef going downstairs

THE cartoon ( Mercury, September 29) of Hugh Hefner being welcomed into heaven may be a bit presumptuo­us. Hugh was explicit in stating that his actions were designed to make permissive sex and pornograph­y acceptable. He was successful in achieving this. I do not think there is any understand­ing of God that would see this worthy of heaven.


MY Aboriginal friends told me many years ago that kunanyi/Mt Wellington is sacred because the spirits of their ancestors dwell there after they die. Similarly, Christians, even those who no longer practise like myself, like to bury their loved ones at a church or cathedral. Imagine the outrage and distress if someone developed a climbing wall up and over St David’s Cathedral as a private business. A cable car defacing our sacred wild mountain. Shame.

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