Mercury (Hobart)

Date irrelevant

- RIGHT: Treat people equally, regardless of their beliefs. Michael Dutta South Hobart Rod Scott Bellerive Peter Quinn West Moonah Paul Warrillow-Williams West Hobart

tal illness, suicide, violence, loss of family, loss of assets, financial ruin and bankruptcy. Those who argue to keep pokies tend to promote the idea problem gamblers are “flawed individual­s”. This is far from the truth. I believe pokies are the problem. The Labor and Liberal parties have a moral obligation to get rid of this cancerous element from our communitie­s.

People should decide

GLENORCHY was not the only council that prefers secrecy rather than transparen­cy to the community it was elected to serve. Many instances could be cited in Hobart, Clarence and other areas where public consultati­on is resisted because there may be some criticism. All new developmen­ts and new ideas should live or die on their merits for the community involved. Too late for public consultati­on when plans are “set in concrete”. original custodians of the land. The elder members of society are also disrespect­ed. Out of touch equals out-of-government. Bring it on. WHY would anyone want to keep January 26 as Australia Day? It is irrelevant. The First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay on January 24, 1788. January 26 merely symbolises the British taking ownership of Australia and dispossess­ion of Aboriginal lands despite the First Nation people having been occupants here for 60,000 years. January 26 is the last vestige of British imperialis­m. Modern Australia does not need a date that divides its people. It is time for us to move forward. Well done to Triple J and the many councils which recognise the irrelevanc­e of January 26.

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