Mercury (Hobart)



SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23 to Dec 22)

With Saturn and Mercury retro in your sign, you have got a lot of new projects on your plate — and a lot of unfinished business too. Luckily the fiery Leo moon gives you a welcome boost today.

CAPRICORN (Dec 23 to Jan 20)

Today will work best if you can balance being practical and productive with being creative and compassion­ate. You are busy, but try to put aside some time to relax, meditate or contemplat­e.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21 to Feb 19)

When it comes to a joint venture or a group activity, use your intuition to zero in on what others require. Then do some behind-the-scenes work to get things moving in the right direction.

PISCES (Feb 20 to Mar 20)

You will make headway by keeping your eyes and ears open. Stay on top of facts and leave fantasy for the movies. Don’t be rushed into participat­ing in activities. Slow down and take your time.

ARIES (Mar 21 to Apr 20)

The Leo moon makes for a lively time as you play sport, exercise, socialise or catch up with a special friend. The more generous you are with loved ones, the better the day will be.

TAURUS (Apr 21 to May 20)

If you have to work today, then try to get the balance right between profession­al projects and spending time with loved ones. A family member is looking to you for some extra emotional support.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 21)

Geminis often have a superficia­l grasp of a wide range of subjects. However, with Mercury now retrograde, strive to focus on one topic at a time, in a thorough and discipline­d way.

CANCER (June 22 to July 23)

The focus is firmly on finances, as you strive to come up with better ways to manage money. If you can’t handle it yourself, then don’t hesitate to call on the expertise of an up-to-date profession­al.

LEO (July 24 to Aug 23)

Are you ready to party like a pro? You are in charismati­c Cat mode, as the moon moves through your sign. That means it’s time to sparkle, shine and socialise in your own special and unique Leo way.

VIRGO (Aug 24 to Sept 23)

A lot of your time and attention is focused on family matters at the moment. Just make sure you deal with each situation — or person — thoroughly, before you move on to the next issue.

LIBRA (Sept 24 to Oct 23)

A family issue is undergoing profound change … like a snake shedding its skin. Circumstan­ces are challengin­g, but remember you’re in the process of creating a firm new domestic base.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 to Nov 22)

Jupiter is jumping through your sign, so your motto for the moment is from fellow Scorpio, Katie Perry: “If you’re presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.”

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