Mercury (Hobart)

Who asked us about the deal?


- Sharon Connolly South Hobart Ike Naqvi Tinderbox Bill Godfrey New Town Jim Heys South Hobart Sue Todd Lindisfarn­e Jo Errey South Hobart Russell Newell Rosetta Terry Polglase Lindisfarn­e J. Johnson Sandy Bay Harry Quick Berriedale Tony Fulton Glenorchy

AUSTRALIAN­S died in their thousands, particular­ly in both world wars to end war. Yet, here is our government agreeing to become an armaments manufactur­er and dealer. With no reference or discussion by Parliament on such a critical issue, who gives these men this right? Who has got at the government? The rich few who only want more riches? What has happened to turn our peaceful leaders into warmongers? What will happen to the arms they sell? Will they be used to kill others, including us? There are plenty of other industries our nation should be encouragin­g, but not the armaments industry. I am sure all those whose families have been affected by war will not agree with this decision. over the next 10 years” ( Mercury, January 29). Is this Mr Turnbull’s version of Tony Abbott’s Direct Action policy? The expansion of military exports will send abroad technologi­es and equipment capable of violently and rapidly destroying our fellow humans, rather than waiting for fire, flood, famine, disease and other consequenc­es of climate change to do their work. Mr Turnbull should think again. Most Australian­s understand the creation of a few lousy jobs cannot ever justify such careless, vicious inhumanity.

Sad values

IT is ironic that our federal government wants to be the top exporters of arms, creating refugees because of using our weapons and than incarcerat­ing them in our detention centres all because they are trying to escape the conflict. What a sad and weird set of values? sources and skills needed to build our infrastruc­ture and civil industry for a sustainabl­e future. What can we admire about this display of distorted values and priorities?

Best they can think of?

SO this is the best innovation the Turnbull Government’s imaginatio­n can produce: become a leading arms dealer to the world. This will I suppose be an enormous step towards internatio­nal stability and allow Australia to proudly proclaim their great contributi­on to world peace, disease control, education and general civilisati­on. Is this why we had to have huge cuts to foreign aid?

Wrong top 10

WHY does Malcolm Turnbull want Australia to be in the top 10 countries making weapons of war? Why can’t we be in the top 10 making solar panels or wind farms or electric cars or things that help the earth instead of destroy it?

Bad timing

WITH the doomsday clock edging ever closer midnight in a world gone mad, what a golden opportunit­y this presents to step up the arms trade for jobs, jobs, jobs.

Speed up

I SUGGEST to ease the traffic congestion in Hobart is to increase all speed limits by 10km/h. Those drivers who do not comply, then book them. The drivers doing less than the speed limit are annoying and do cause accidents. After all we have moved on from the horse and cart days.

Wasted school money

A SUM of $20 million to upgrade Cosgrove High with 160 students and smallest year groups in years 7 and 8 ( Mercury, January 30). Yes, that makes sense.

Wonderful Bonorong

CONGRATULA­TIONS to Bonorong Wildlife Park for setting up a wildlife hospital for injured and orphaned animals. Free of charge! It is wonderful to hear such positive news.

Awestruck at red foliage

ONE is awestruck at the vibrant shades of red shown by the hundreds of Corymbia ficifolia in gardens, parks and nature strips in suburbs throughout Hobart. The best year ever, the experts are saying.

Old stationery?

JUST received our first Will Hodgman Liberal election pamphlet promoting the party values and also Elise Archer and Matthew Groom. Old stationery or hasn’t he been told?

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