Mercury (Hobart)

Trump urges US to embrace new unity


US President Donald Trump summoned the country to a “new American moment” of unity in his first State of the Union address.

Mr Trump challenged Congress to make good on longstandi­ng promises to fix a fractured immigratio­n system and warning darkly of evil forces seeking to undermine America’s way of life.

Mr Trump’s address Tuesday night blended self-congratula­tion and calls for optimism amid a growing economy with ominous warnings about deadly gangs, the scourge of drugs and violent immigrants living in the US illegally. He cast the debate over immigratio­n – an issue that has long animated his most ardent supporters – as a battle between heroes and villains, leaning heavily on the personal stories of White House guests in the crowd.

He praised a law enforcemen­t agent who arrested more than 100 gang members, and he recognised the families of two alleged gang victims.

He also spoke foreboding­ly of catastroph­ic dangers from abroad, warning that North Korea would “very soon” threaten the US with nuclear- tipped missiles.

“The United States is a compassion­ate nation. We are proud that we do more than any other country to help the needy, the struggling and the underprivi­leged all over the world,” Mr Trump said.

“But as president of the United States, my highest loyalty, my greatest compassion, and my constant concern is for America’s children, America’s struggling workers and America’s forgotten communitie­s.”

At times, Mr Trump’s ad- dress appeared to be aimed more at validating his first year in office than setting the course for his second.

He devoted significan­t time to touting the tax overhaul he signed at the end of last year, promising the plan will “pro- vide tremendous relief for middle class and small businesses.” Republican­s led multiple rounds of applause during the speech, but for the opposition Democratic Party it was a more sombre affair, as they offered only muted reactions.

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