Mercury (Hobart)

Bid to tackle housing

Alderman urges removal of planning decisions from councils


PLANNING approval should be taken away from local government to fix Tasmania’s housing crisis, a Hobart alderman is proposing.

In a Talking Point piece, Hobart alderman Marti Zucco argues that an independen­t panel of experts, similar to the planning tribunal, should be making decisions when it comes to developmen­t applicatio­ns.

And Ald Zucco writes that issues surroundin­g the Building Code are preventing empty shop space in Hobart from being developed into residentia­l properties to ease the housing pressure.

The Property Council of Australia’s Tasmanian Division has backed the call for an independen­t panel and for shop-top living, but community groups say it could erode the right of appeal.

On Thursday the State Government will hold a summit on what has been labelled a state “housing crisis”.

In the Talking Point, Ald Zucco writes the housing shortage can be eased with sensible decisions.

“You don’t have to look far to see that there is a vast amount of empty shop space in and around the CBD that could be developed,” he writes.

“While these spaces remain vacant, solutions could be found to solve the Building Code issues surroundin­g these vacancies that prevent them from being used to help solve the housing crisis.”

“The planning approval process needs to be taken away from Local Government and administer­ed by an independen­t body similar to the planning tribunal where experts make these decisions rather than profession­al bureaucrat­s who are at times overridden by political expediency, which in the end are ultimately frustratin­g and costly for developers.”

Ald Zucco wrote that developing carparks into housing would also ease the crisis.

Executive director of the Property Council’s Tasmanian Division Brian Wightman said developmen­t applicatio­ns were taking too long to address the housing shortage.

“This will only eventuate if investment is made simple and cost effective with the finalisati­on of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme of paramount importance,” he said.

But Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania co-ordinator Sophie Underwood said taking power away from councils might not be a good idea.

“We would have very serious concerns about the potential for a lack of appeal rights.”

LAST week, among close family and friends, I saw two young people married in a ferny glade on our wonderful mountain.

It was a happy event as every wedding should be. Weddings are the most social of occasions, about the ties that bind us all and the generation­s to come. At times like this you can’t help but think ahead to lives beyond ours and the world they will live in.

Many things that beset our lives today — struggling leaders, crumbling institutio­ns, war, famine, erratic weather and a badly ailing biosphere — lead us to expect the worst.

There is an alternativ­e. US environmen­tal thinker Paul Hawken told two engaged audiences in Hobart a fortnight ago that we should not see today’s many environmen­tal distress signals as the triumph of industrial pollution, but as an invitation to take up a challenge.

In his new book, Drawdown, Hawken urges us to stop seeing ourselves as victims of global warming, a mindset that tends to impotence. Instead, we should see climate change as a transforma­tion “that inspires us to change and reimagine everything we make and do”.

In thinking this way, says Hawken, we begin to live in a different world: “We see global warming not as an inevitabil­ity but as an invitation to build, innovate, and effect change, a pathway that awakens creativity, compassion, and genius.”

For anyone who has spent time looking at evidence of change around us, these can seem like brave words. Science’s pictures of doom, those countless graphs with trends all heading in the one direction, tell us that we’re losing the war. Some scientists say we’ve already lost it.

That is the dispassion­ate position, supported by the objective evidence. But it assumes that certain things will remain constant, that “business as usual” will remain in place and that we will simply continue to do what we’ve been doing until everything falls in a heap.

It does not account for what Hawken calls “the human agenda”. That implies action, a response to the situation we face, with the view to changing how we’ve done things to adjust to an entirely new reality.

Drawdown lists and describes one version of that agenda, which I looked at briefly last month — 100 actions put together by multiple experts in each relevant field, aimed at bringing atmospheri­c carbon down to safe levels by the middle of this century.

Many scientists are sceptical. A leading figure on the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change told me at one of Hawken’s Hobart events that the notion of drawing down current atmospheri­c greenhouse gas levels was orders of magnitude more ambitious than simple mitigation.

Being sceptical is a scientist’s job. But there are dimensions to the human experience that cannot be factored into scientific projection­s, and therein lies the tantalisin­g idea that we may not be completely screwed, after all.

Back to marriage, now back in the spotlight after the samesex debate. What can this veteran of an ancient and august institutio­n say to young people just entering into it?

Life’s pressures, external and internal, ended my first marriage.

The fact that I’m still in my second after 37 years I put down to three things: having a patient partner, having children and good luck.

This may be my generation in play here, but I can’t help thinking that couples who stay together, especially if they are rearing children, contribute to a greater good. I believe lasting one-to-one adult relationsh­ips are the centrepiec­e of cohesive communitie­s.

Most people entering marriage aren’t preoccupie­d with such things; they just love a person with whom they want to share their life. But the

passage of time adds layers to that simple beginning.

The arrival of children is the big one: it changes marriage and the people in it, fundamenta­lly and forever. Most of us manage that change but some don’t. Children can cement relationsh­ips, but for all its rewards family life is also very hard work.

That makes marriage seem a bold step in these uncertain times. But fortunatel­y for the species’ future not everyone sees it that way. We’re programmed to be optimistic. Young newlyweds who decide to bring up children are making a statement of faith in the future.

They’re right to think like this. It’s the only way to deal with the odds that are stacking up against us. We need, with some urgency, to share that positive attitude with the school-age people in our lives and help them see why they need not fear the future.

Many of these young people, heedless of what their parents say, are raising their own strong, clear voices for climate action on the basis that joining with others is the best way to counter isolation and fear.

They need to be encouraged, and we all need to listen.

Young newlyweds who decide to bring up children are making a statement of faith in the future

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 ?? Picture: ISTOCK ?? BOLD STEP: Couples contribute to a greater good.
Picture: ISTOCK BOLD STEP: Couples contribute to a greater good.

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