Mercury (Hobart)

Question of time for 200 burns


THE Tasmania Fire Service says further fuel reduction burns are planned as autumn continues, but little detail is available on when they will take place.

The TFS has more than 200 burns planned on public and private land.

However, the TFS said burns are only conducted when safe to do so, which means the schedule can change daily based on the weather.

Fuel reduction burns are proposed soon for Proctors Rd, Strickland Avenue, Ridgeway, The Lea, Pottery Rd, Wellington Park, Oak Hill, Boyer and other areas.

The Parks and Wildlife Service was yesterday keeping a close eye on an 11.5ha burn at Gordon’s Hill Rd.

A smoke alert was issued for Rosny, Warrane, Howrah and Mornington, and people with medical conditions have been advised to have a personal plan for avoiding smoke.

Asthma sufferers are urged to pay attention to the Tasmania Fire Service burn schedules and take precaution­s such as carrying puffers and moving away from their residence for a burn’s duration.

Today’s forecast is for a partly cloudy top of 21C in Hobart and tomorrow will be similar.

Thursday will be cloudy with a high of 17C before it reaches 20C on Friday ahead of a warmer weekend.

The TFS will provide details of fuel reduction burns via its Facebook page and the website.

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